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Display events as: list | calendar

PSI Africa & Arab countries Regional Conference - AFRECON 2019 (Lomé)

PSI Asia Pacific Regional Conference - APRECON 2019 (Bali)

72nd World Health Assembly (Geneva)

5th EI/PSI LGBTI Forum (Bangkok)

United Nation High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (New York)

International Labour Conference 108th Session (Geneva)

30th National Congress of Kommunal​ (Stockholm)

EPSU Executive Committee (Brussels)

39th National Congress of the Norwegian Union of General Workers (Oslo)

2019 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up (USA)

ITUC, ETUC & ETUI - Conference on the Future of Work (Brussels)

PSI North America Subregional Meeting - SUBRAC (USA)

UNISON Seminar on Quality public services and the sustainable development goals

XIV Global Labour University Conference

Fórsa executive meeting

Human Rights, Trade Unions and Quality Public Services for Refugees and Migrant Workers (Beirut)

CSO Forum on “Social Protection and Transformative Fiscal and Wage Policy" (New York)

100 Years of Social Protection with the ILO (New York)

The Future of Work We Want: Workers’ Perspectives from the Caribbean (Trinidad & Tobago)

UN Commission for Social Development (New York)

PSI mission to support Syrian refugees in Lebanon

World of Work meeting (New Zealand)

Pre-APRECON Young workers meeting (Bali)

WOC IA & IAMREC (Buenos Aires)

PSI Steering Committee SC-21 (Geneva)

EPSU Executive Committee (Brussels)

Regional Strategy and AFRECON preparations meeting (Togo)

Opening of "ILO100" celebrations and launch of the report on the Future of Work (Geneva)

Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration (Marrakesh)

Building Trade Union Capacities and Quality Public Services for a Just Transition to Climate Change (Jamaica)

PSI Global Labour Remunicipalisation Workshop (Geneva)

National Health Workers' Union of Liberia Strategic Meetings (Monrovia)

63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (New York)

Third Development Partners Meeting of the ILO’s Global Flagship Program on Building Social Protection Floors (Geneva)

6th International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector (Toronto, Canada)

Global Unions strategy meeting on the care economy (Nyon, Switzerland)

CAPAM 2018 - Transforming the Public Sector for Climate Governance (Georgetown)

Africa LRG/Municipal & Waste sector Meeting (Nairobi)

For History Not to Repeat Itself: Learning From Failed PPPs

Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay

World Women Committee - WOC 2018 (Geneva)

Climate Change: Building Trade Union Capacities and Quality Public Services for a Just Transition (Jamaica)

Spotlight Report 2018 - Geneva launch

68th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (Rome)

Global Conference on Financing Social Protection (Brussels)

Global Dialogue Forum on Employment Terms and Conditions in Tertiary Education (Geneva)

FES, CICTAR, PSI Global Union Corporate Tax Campaigning Seminar

Human Rights, Decent Work and Access to Quality Public Services for All (Marrakesh)

12th PSI Interamerican Regional Conference - IAMRECON (Buenos Aires)

Corporate power international seminar

HLPF closes as trade unions and civil society demand systemic change and democratization of global economic governance

RCEP and Free Trade in Asia Pacific: People's Responses (Bangkok)

The impact of austerity on SDG implementation (New York)

Defining the Value of Water from a rights-based perspective (New York)

Unlocking the Means of Implementation: Civil Society Perspectives on SDG 17

Bargaining for the Common Good in the World of Global Finance (New York)

Partnership or Business Case? Private Sector and the SDGs (New York)

Conversation with the authors of Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018 (New York)

AFT Convention 2018 (Pittsburgh, PA)

Debt Sustainability and Financing for Development in the Caribbean (St Lucia)

CLP Leadership Symposium (Jamaica)

Caribbean Sub-regional Women’s Advisory Committee meeting (Saint Lucia)

PSI Caribbean Sub-regional Advisory Committee Meeting (St Lucia)

Tax Justice Network’s annual conference (Lima)

PSI North America SUBRAC (Washington)

UN Conference of State Parties to the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Inter-American Regional Executive Committee & Women’s Committee - IAMREC/IAMWOC (Panama)

World Health Organization Executive Board – 143rd session

World Health Assembly – 71st Session (Geneva)

Labour Migration and the Global Compact: Ensuring Rights, Protections and a Decent Work Agenda (New York)

Working for Health in East Africa: Health and Social Sector Unions meeting and launch of the HEALTH FOR ALL IN EAST AFRICA Campaign (Kenya)

Africa Non-Academic, Academic and Research Workers Educational Network meeting (Kenya)

PSI Sub-regional Women’s Committee and Advisory Committee (SUBRAC) for Central America, Mexico and Dominican Republic (Panama)

The Health Policy and Systems Research Agenda on Gender and Intersectionality: Where are the gaps? What can we learn? (Dubai)

Financing for Development (FfD) forum (New York)

Trade and Investment Liberalisation: Impact on Indian Workers (Bengaluru)

Asia Pacific Regional Strategy Meeting on Trade Justice (Singapore)

Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships versus public sector solutions (Nigeria)

Regional Women's Tax Justice Conference (Ethiopia)

PSI Japan Council’s 30th Anniversary (Tokyo)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee and Women's Committee for the Andean Region (Peru)

Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee & Women's Committee - APREC/APWOC (Nepal)

Oceania Sub-Regional Advisory Committee (Australia)

South Asia Sub-Regional Advisory Committee - SASRAC (Sri Lanka)

South East Asia Sub-Regional Advisory Committee - SEASRAC (Indonesia)

Global conference of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax: “Taxation and the Sustainable Development Goals”

PSI Health and Social Services Task Force meeting

Trade Unions and Workers roundtable (Malaysia)

The voice of women workers at the UN (UNCSW62)

International Labour Conference - 107th Session (Geneva)

PSI Steering Cttee SC-20 (Geneva)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for East Asia - EASRAC (Japan)

Strategic Retreat of the UCLG (Barcelona)

EPSU Executive Committee (Brussels)

PSI Global Emergency Network (Geneva)

ILO Meeting of Experts to adopt Guidelines on Decent Work in Public Emergency Services (Geneva)

PSI Regional Executive Committee for Africa and Arab countries - AFREC (Senegal)

PSI AF Women’s Committee

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for French-speaking Africa - SUBRAC (Senegal)

TUAC Working Group on Education and Skills (Paris)

Civil Society FfD Group’s Strategic Planning Session organized in cooperation with CPDE (Rome)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Arab countries - SUBRAC (Beirut)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for English-speaking East-West Africa - SUBRAC (Uganda)

139th TUAC Plenary Session and related meetings (Paris)

8th World Water Forum (Brasilia)

Alternative World Water Forum (Brasilia)

Council of Global Unions annual meeting (Paris)

PSI Health and Social Services Task Force meeting (Geneva)

Celebrating the World Day of People with Disabilities (Geneva)

International Workshop: Strengthening Public Policies for the 2030 Agenda

Meeting of the PSI Whistleblowers’ Task Force (Buenos Aires )

The 8th ASEAN Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue (Philippines)

PSI Executive Board EB-152

PSI Executive Board EB-151

Spotlight on Sustainable Development Report: Geneva Launch

From Populorum Progressio to Laudato Si' (Vatican City)

"RCEP, labour & public services" workshop (Philippines)

AIDM Conference (Brescia)

Consultation meeting with PSI South African affiliates

Trading Privatisation : Time to Fight Back!

Promoting prosperity for all (Anguilla)

Conversation with authors of the Civil Society Report "Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017"

Accelerating Women’s Economic Empowerment to Achieve the 2030 Agenda

Policy Coherence and Financing for Sustainable Development With Equality

PSI-EPSU Cooperation Committee

FP CGIL National Public Service Days (Palermo)

High-level political forum on sustainable development

United Nations Public Service Forum and Awards Ceremony 2017

Demonstration in support of Algeria

Route of Shame 2017

Collective Bargaining in the Municipal Public Sector

Towards a global campaign on PPPs: PSI/Eurodad workshop

Launch of the World Alternative Water Forum

Public Service Trade Union Responses to Climate Change (Jamaica)

ACTRAV ILO Agora - Future of Work: The role of Public Services (Geneva)

Global Conference on Children on the Move (Berlin)

Interactive webinar on “Ending gender-based violence in the world of work”

World OutGames: Human Rights Conference (Miami)

Financing for Development (FfD) forum (New York)

Standing Orders Committee 3rd meeting (Geneva)

Council of Global Unions meeting (Geneva)

ILO Experts Meeting on Unions’ Action to Promote Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

PSI/ILO Health Campaign Meeting (Tajikistan)

Action on World Health Day (New Delhi)

Women's Rights and Tax Justice Convening (Bogotá)

JHL Union Council meeting (Helsinki)

Meeting with Union to Union (France)

Labour 20 Dialogue Forum (Berlin)

The Human Right to Peace: Women, Labour and Public Services in Conflict Zones

61st Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW61)

Women work mobility development & economic justice

International Labour Conference 2017

Regional Executive Committee for Inter-Americas - IAMREC (Rio de Janeiro)

Constituency meeting for Russia-Central Asia

PSI attends seminar on the Human Right to Water in the Vatican City

Nordic Constituency meeting (Oslo)

Inter-American Women's Committee (Rio de Janeiro)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Brazil/Southern Cone - SUBRAC (Rio de Janeiro)

Africa Women's Committee (Lagos)

Regional Executive Committee for Africa & Arab countries - AFREC (Lagos)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for English-speaking East-West Africa - SUBRAC (Lagos)

Regional Executive Committee for Asia-Pacific - APREC (Singapore)

Asia-Pacific Young Workers' Meeting (Singapore)

Asia-Pacific Women's Committee (Singapore)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for South-East Asia - SEASRAC (Singapore)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Southern Africa - SUBRAC (Joburg)

Sub-regional Women's Committee for Southern Africa - SUBWOC (Joburg)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Arab countries - SUBRAC (Beirut)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for the Andean region - SUBRAC (Bolivia)

Sub-regional Women's Committee for the Andean region - SUBWOC (Bolivia)

Sub-regional Advisory Committees for USA & Canada - SUBRACS (Washington)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Central America, Mexico & Dominican Republic - SUBRAC (Panama City)

Sub-regional Women's Committee for Central America, Mexico & Dominican Republic - SUBWOC (Panama City)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Oceania - OSRAC (Auckland)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for East Asia - EASRAC (Seoul)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for French-speaking Africa - SUBRAC (Lomé)

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for South Asia - SASRAC (Colombo)

PSI Standing Orders Committee (Geneva)

ILO Tripartite Meeting on Improving Employment and Working Conditions in Health Services (Geneva)

Caribbean Sub-regional Women’s Advisory Committee meeting - SUBWOC (Jamaica)

Caribbean Sub-regional Advisory Committee meeting - SUBRAC (Jamaica)

ITUC/Global Unions and World Bank/IMF High level meetings

High-Level Policy Forum & OECD Health Ministerial (Paris)

Project culmination conference on migration (Johannesburg)

Women Power Unions: Global Trade Union UNCSW Preparatory meeting (New York)

High Level Ministerial Meeting ComHeeg (Geneva)

Council of Global Unions meeting (Brussels)

PSI/EPSU Policy Staff meeting (Brussels)

Providing Education to Refugee Children from Conflict Areas in the Middle East - Fast track to Equal Opportunities and Integration (Sweden)

Tax Justice National Workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa

Event: The Role of Public Service Trade Unions in achieving Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

Norwegian Public Sector Trade Union (acronym = Delta) Congress

PSI Extraordinary Executive Board EB-150

PSI World Women’s Committee (Geneva)

PSI at the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights

PSI calls for an inclusive new urban agenda at HIII

Workshop: Smart cities and challenges of urbanisation (India)

State of Power: Energy Democracy and Labour perspectives (India)

First meeting of the Guideline Development Group for the WHO

Culmination Conference of the PSI Project on Decent Work and Social Protection for Migrant Workers in the Public Services (Philippines)

PSI Migration Project - Joint monitoring meeting and Symposium (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)

Quality Public Service for Equality Rally in Fukuoka (Japan)

PSI Education Support and Cultural Workers Network (ESCW) Coordination meeting (London)

Civil society strategy meeting: “The big push for Public-Private Partnerships: challenges and perspectives”

Civil Society Policy Forum (IMF/World Bank 2016 Annual Meetings)

International Conference: Free trade and the right to (not) migrate (Brussels)

How unpaid internships undermine human rights

Public meeting on neoliberalism and healthcare in South Asia

UN General Assembly High Level Summit on Large Flows of Migrants and Refugees (New York)

PSI+SEIU roundtable on the refugee crisis - Uphold Our Humanity: Protect Refugees (New York)

Speak out for Dignity and Decent Work for Migrants and Refugees (New York)

Global local and regional government (LRG) sector workers' network meeting (Brussels)

Ghana Tax Justice and Public Restructuring Conference

ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting on Recruitment

The People's Inquiry into Privatisation

The People's Inquiry into Privatisation

PSI Extraordinary World Women's Committee (extraordinary WOC 2016)

PSI at the Stockholm World Water Week

UCLG World summit of local and regional leaders (Bogotá)

UN high-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth (New York)

STUNAM: TiSA forum (Mexico City)

Regional meeting on central administration (Mexico City)

International Summit in Johannesburg to celebrate the International Youth Day

Civil Society Days: 9th Global Forum on Migration and Development (Dhaka)

PrepCom3 on Habitat III

World Social Forum 2016 (Montreal, Canada)

Informal Interactive Multi-stakeholder Hearing (preparatory process for UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants)

ECOSOC: High-level political forum on sustainable development

ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting on Access of Refugees to the Labour Market

Forum: No Gender Justice without Tax Justice

Tax Justice Forum: How to spread that wealth around

Route of Shame 2016: Walk for social justice!

2nd Biennial Delegates Conference of The West Africa Health Sector Unions Network (WAHSUN)

13th PSI Asia Pacific Regional Conference - APRECON (Fukuoka)

AFREC - Regional Executive Committee Meetings (Nairobi, Kenya)

PSI Southern Africa Office hosts its SUBRAC in Johannesburg

UNCSW60: Commission on the Status of Women

Sovereign debt, a global problem: international experiences and the situation of Puerto Rico

PSI World Women's Committee (WOC 2016)

2016 Caribbean SUBWOC meeting

Public services welcoming migrants

Third South African Nurses' Conference

Migrants, Refugees and Climate Change: the Trade Union Response

Trade Union Forum on Climate and Jobs

Cities, the key to climate justice

Protecting the public interest from predatory privatization and outsourcing

PSI/EPSU-ILO Roundtable on Labour Migration and Trade Union Rights

Global Tax Reform Beyond BEPS - Side-event to UN Committee of Tax Experts meeting

12th Regional Conference for Africa and Arab Countries and related meetings

Continental Conference on the Struggle Against racism in the Workplace - Celebrating INSPIR´s 20th Anniversary

17 August: PSI Inter-America Anti-Racism and against Xenophobia Committee Meeting

Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD3)

Mission impossible: Development without Public Services

Forum: Privatisation - Alternatives in the Public's Interest

Young workers' seminar for Africa & Arab countries

Women's Seminar for Africa & Arab countries

AFREC 2015: Regional Executive Committee for Africa and Arab countries

Philippines Migration Project Planning and Stakeholders Meeting

World Public Services Day

International Labour Conference 2015

ICRICT panel: Expanding the debate on taxing global corporate profits

11th PSI Inter-American Regional Conference (IAMRECON)

Global Day of Action on Trade and Investment Treaties

Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee (APREC) Meeting

Thailand Young Workers' Organising Workshop

Asia Pacific Women’s Committee Meeting

Pre-APREC Thematic Workshops

PSI World Women’s Committee WOC-2015

Informe Financiero_Español_EB-147

Caribbean Sub-regional Women’s Advisory Committee (SUBWOC) meeting

Caribbean Sub‐regional Advisory Committee (SUBRAC) meeting

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for South Asia (SASRAC)

Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

International Women's Day (IWD) 2015

ILO Tripartite meeting on the Right to Strike

Council of Global Unions annual meeting

PSI Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Social Services

III CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government

High level meetings ITUC/Global Unions and World Bank/IMF

Technical Mission from the ILO visits Ecuador

Funding Democracy - Practical alternatives to global austerity

Challenging liberalisation of public services in TTIP and beyond

Global Day of Action for the Right to Strike

International Migrants Day

Colombia: Second Anti-Corruption Forum debates transparency in the public services

CSW59: Commission on the Status of Women

International Anti-Corruption Day

Regional Executive Committee for Africa and Arab countries (AFREC 2014)

India National Protest Day

PSI Union Development and Strategy and Planning Workshops for the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU)

Bachelet calls on PSI to fight for an ILO resolution on the elimination of violence against women at work

Asia Pacific Forum on trade union rights: It is time for ACTION NOW!

PSI Americas 2nd Regional LGBT Committee

International Summit Nursing and Ebola Virus

Founding Meeting PSI Educational Support and Cultural Workers Network

PSI Global Trade in Services forum

PSI participates in ILO meeting in Peru

Uruguay celebrates ten years of constitutional reform in defence of water

Struggle to eliminate violence against women in the workplace

International Day for Decent Work

12th PSI Regional Conference for Africa and Arab countries - postponed

Caribbean young workers solidarity visit to Haïti

Power to the People: A Strategy Discussion on Advancing Social Ownership of Energy

International Youth Day

Forum on decent work and quality public services

PSI Executive Board meeting (EB-146)

PSI World Women’s Committee WOC-2014

World Public Services Day 2014

Route of Shame 2014

International Labour Conference 2014

ILC coordination meeting for PSI delegates

7th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)

International Labour Day

Geneva: Protest rally against Trade In Services Agreement

PSI Asia-Pacific Regional Women’s Committee and Regional Executive Committee (APREC)

UN Committee on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families

International Workers' Memorial Day

World Health Day

ILO/SECTOR Global Dialogue Forum on the impact of the financial crisis on collective bargaining in the public service

8th UN open working group for sustainable development goals

PSI Inter-American Regional Women’s Committee and Regional Executive Committee (IAMREC)

PSI follow-up mission to Guatemala

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Mexico, Central America and Dominican Republic (SUBRAC)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Oceania (OSRAC)

Putting public in public services: Research, action and equity in the Global South

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for South-East Asia (SEASRAC)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Brazil/Southern Cone (SUBRAC)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Southern Africa (SUBRAC)

58th UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW)

International Women's Day

POSTPONED: PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for South Asia (SASRAC)

PSI Sub‐regional Women’s Advisory Committee (SUBWOC) for the Caribbean

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for the Caribbean (SUBRAC)

The 4th International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for East Asia (EASRAC)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for the Andean region (SUBRAC)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for English-speaking East and West Africa (SUBRAC)

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for French-speaking Africa (SUBRAC)

Ghana: West African Health Sector Unions Network meeting

Workshop: Deepening collaboration to promote the delivery of quality health care

PSI ad hoc meeting on pensions

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committees for USA and Canada (SUBRACs) and Labor Rights Seminar

International Day for Migrants' Rights

Joint ILO-PSI Training and Planning Workshop on Labour Migration

International Anti-Corruption Day

Forum Against Corruption in Latin America

PSI Trade In Services Agreement event in Bali

Event: Trade union rights in Guatemala

Public Service Trade Union Action Planning Meeting on Social Protection for Migrant Workers

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

PSI/FES project meeting: Influencing the debates on public policy and the development agenda in the Caribbean

Trade union communications workshop

PSI Communicators' Action Network - Greece 4-8 November 2013

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Arab countries (SUBRAC)

Council of Global Unions Annual Meeting

International Day for Human Rights

PSI Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Quality Public Services

Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health: Human Resources for Health

World Day for Decent Work 2013

PSI Workshop at the WTO Forum

UCLG World summit of local and regional leaders

Event: Peoples’ Global Action on Migration and Development

Preparatory panel event to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

Event: High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (HLD)

International Youth Day

PSI Interamericas LGBT Regional Committee Meeting

LGBT trade union planning and coordination meeting

Human Rights Conference (HRC) of the Outgames

Public Finance Control and Anti-Corruption Strategies forum

The Route of Shame: A bicycle ride for social justice

ILC Orientation Meeting

102nd International Labour Conference (ILC)

PSI Executive Board meeting (EB-145)

World Women's Committee (May 2013)

Health and social care services task force meeting

Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee meeting

Asia Pacific Youth Network Meeting

Asia-Pacific Regional Women's Committee

World Water Day

Sub-regional advisory committee for South Asia (SASRAC)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Brazil / Southern Cone

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for SE Asia (SEASRAC)

PSI Sub-regional advisory committee for the Andean region

Sub-regional Advisory Committee for Southern Africa

International Women's Day (IWD)

PSI Sub-regional advisory committee for Oceania (OSRAC)

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW57)

PSI Sub-regional advisory committee for East Asia (EASRAC)

Health services task force & Nurses' meeting

Sub‐regional Women’s Advisory Committee (SUBWOC) for the Caribbean

Sub‐regional Advisory Committee (SUBRAC) for the Caribbean

Sub-regional advisory committee for English-speaking East and West Africa

PSI Sub-regional advisory committee for Arab countries

EPSU World Water Day event

Executive Board 144

Rise now! End violence against women

PSI’s 29th World Congress in Durban, South Africa, 27-30 November 2012

Executive Board EB-143

Protest against the dismissals and repression of workers in Paraguay

Global Unions Strategy Meeting on Labour Migration: Building Alternatives

March in solidarity with Spanish workers

Second Forum & Federation symposium on workers' health

6th World Water Forum and Alternative Water Forum

International Women's Day 2012

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW)

International Day for Migrant's Rights

Inter-American Regional Executive Committee IAMREC

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for Southern Cone

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for Central America

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for the Caribbean

PSI Andean Subregional Advisory Committee

First Forum & Federation symposium on workers’ health

Global Forum on Migration and Development - Civil Society Days

World Women's Committee (Nov 2012)

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for Oceania (OSRAC)

PSI Regional Executive Committee for Asia-Pacific (APREC) and Regional Women’s Committee

PSI Regional Executive Committee for Africa and Arab countries (AFREC) and Regional Women’s Committee

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for South Asia (SASRAC)

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for South East Asia (SEASRAC)

PSI Subregional Advisory Committee for East Asia (EASRAC)

313th Session of the ILO Governing Body and its committees

8th World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference

International Day for Human Rights

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for Decent Work 2012

International Youth Day

Public Services Day

World Health Day

World Women’s Committee (WOC Nov 2011)

Global Unions Forum on Migration

Each one teach one

OECD Global Forum on Environment: Making Water Reform Happen

World Women's Committee (WOC - May 2012)