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Workshop Organised by Public Services International (PSI) in cooperation with the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
This two-day workshop in Morocco will bring together union activists representing affiliates of Public Services International (PSI) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) from the MENA, Africa and Europe to discuss PSI’s Programme of Work on Migration and Refugees (2018-2022) and relating this to the UN Global Compact on Migration and the UN Global Compact on Refugees. Since 2017, PSI has been actively engaged in the consultations and lobbying around the two Global Compacts. The Adoption Conference culminates these engagements with a commitment to action by PSI unions towards the implementation of the Compacts.
PSI affiliates, representing workers delivering public services, play a unique role in advancing both Global Compacts:
The key objective of this activity is to support the unique role of public service trade unions in advancing the positive commitments within the UN Global Compact on Migration and the UN Global Compact on Refugees.
The activity will be held in the weekend leading to the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in order to allow workshop participants to also participate in the Adoption Conference. PSI is accredited to participate in the Conference through its UN ECOSOC status. However, we are still waiting for advice from the UN as to how many participants we can accredit to the conference.
Migration Week in Marrakesh:
Many migration-related events are being organised in Marrakesh on this “Migration Week,” with opportunities to network with civil society organisations and participate in UN side events:
Participation in the PSI Workshop is open to PSI and EPSU union activists from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Africa and Europe. There is limited funding to support participation. However, should you wish to participate with your own resources, please contact: