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Third Development Partners Meeting of the ILO’s Global Flagship Program on Building Social Protection Floors (Geneva)

24 October, 2018
09.00 - 17.00
ILO Headquarters, Geneva
Event type: 
The Third Meeting of the Multi-stakeholders Partnership for Social Protection Systems and Floors (SDG 1.3) will take place on Wednesday 24 October 2018 at the International Labour Office in Geneva. The meeting will bring together over 100 participants.

These include: policy-makers from countries that are striving towards implementation of social protection systems and floors; development partners, such as the EU and development banks; UN agencies; academics; trade unions, and; civil society organisations.

PSI has a rich history of policy advocacy for social protection as a fundamental human right. Universal social protection as a cardinal responsibility of states, is essential for building more inclusive and just societies. PSI has thus been active in the ILO’s Flagship Program on Building Social Protection Floors and will participate in the meeting to give voice to the workers’ standpoint.

The objectives of the meeting are to:

  • Take stock of the social protection situation globally, by assessing progress made by different countries in building sustainable social protection systems and floors and achieving SDG 1.3. It will provide an update on the results and impact of the ILO’s Global Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors (SPFs), for this purpose;
  • Look at current and future challenges and how countries and development partners can provide concrete and innovative answers, notably through the ILO’s Global Flagship Programme;
  • Join forces to promote universal social protection (#USP2030) and work towards the centenary celebrations on social protection: “100 years of social protection at the ILO: the road to universal social protection”.

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