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Aug 17th - Monday
9am – 4pm Meeting of the PSI Americas Anti-Racism Committee, at the SINDSEP Formation Centre, Rua Barão de Itapetininga, 163 – 2nd floor, São Paulo.
6pm – 9pm Opening of the Continental Conference and a tribute to INSPIR on its 20th Anniversary ,at the Palácio do Trabalhador Auditorium, Rua Galvão Bueno, 782, Liberdade, São Paulo/SP.
- Playing of the Brazilian, American and Afro-Brazilian Anthems;
- Exhibition of the institutional video of INSPIR;
- Speech by Francisco Quintino, President of INSPIR – “Challenges for the fights against racial discrimination in the Americas in the current political and social context”;
- Presentation of the Commemorative Plaques “20 years of INSPIR” to the former Presidents of INSPIR and Presidents/General Secretaries of the affiliated trade union centres as well as the Inspir affiliated Unions and Associations.
- Speeches by Institutional Representatives: AFLCIO, CSA, CUT, Força Sindical, UGT, Inspir´s Youth Representative, PSI´s Representative of the Anti-Racism Committee, SEPPIR, other Brazilian government officials;
9pm – 11pm: Cocktail and cultural activity
Aug 18th – Tuesday (at Hotel Comfort Downtown – Rua Araujo, 141 – República, São Paulo)
8am – 9am: Accreditation of Participants
9am – 9:30am: Opening of the event (by Francisco Quintino, President of INSPIR/FS and Jana Silverman, Deputy Secretary-General of INSPIR-AFL-CIO), presentation of the program and the participants.
9:30am – 11:15am: Round table 1 – “Racism, historical inequalities and affirmative action policies in the Americas” – Prof. Fernando Urrea of Universidad del Valle, Colombia; Wilson Roberto Prudente, Federal Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of Labor of the 1st Region; and Jos Williams, Secretary General of INSPIR and Executive Director of CBTU-AFLCIO. Commentator: Jana Silverman and Moderator: Francisco Quintino.
11:15am – 11:30am – Coffee Break
11:30am – 12:30pm – Debates
12:30pm – 2pm - Lunch
2pm – 3:45pm: Round table 2 - “Afro-Descendent Youth, violence and social exclusion” – Ângela Guimarães, Deputy Secretary of the National Secretariat of Youth of the Republic Presidency, to speak on the program “Juventude Viva”; Jefferson Tiego, CSA´s Youth Representative for Força Sindical to speak on Young Workers in the Americas; and Fred Redmond, CBTU-AFLCIO/INSPIR Executive Director to speak on the campaign “Black Lives Matter”. Commentator: Gutemberg Guedes and Moderator: Yara Pereira from INSPIR/FS.
3:45pm – 4pm: Coffee break
4pm – 6pm: Round table 3 - “Women workers and racial discrimination in the Americas” – Dr. Maria Sylvia Aparecida de Oliveira, President of Instituto Geledés of Woman; Agripina Hurtado, President of the Consejo Laboral Afrocolombiano - CLAF, and Graciela Huenchumilla from Internatinal Public Services - PSI Chile. Commentator: Cleonice Caetano Souza/UGT and Moderator: Walmir Siqueira, INSPIR/CUT.
8pm – Dinner at the hotel
Aug 19th - Wednesday (at Hotel Comfort Downtown)
9am – 9:30am: Review of previous day – with Telma Victor
9:30am – 11am: Round table 4- Campaigns against racism in the Americas – Kika Silva, member of the National Impeller Nucleous of the Black Women´s March of the State of São Paulo; Representative of PSI´s Anti-racism Committee (Campaign for OEA´s Conventions A-68 and A-69 ratification); Nilma Lino Gomes, Ministry of State and Chief of SEPPIR/PR; Juliana Wenceslau Biriba dos Santos, from the Program of the United Nations for Development – PNUD Brasil (International Decade of the Afro-descendents: Recognizing, Justice and Development). Commentator: Rosana Silva INSPIR/CUT and Moderator: Carolyn Kazdin, Representative of the AFL-CIO.
11am – 11:15am: Coffee break
11:15am – 1pm: Round table: Best practices by unions to combat racism in the Americas –Ana Cristina dos Santos Duarte (CNPIR-UGT/INSPIR); Maria Julia dos Reis Nogueira (CUT), Iris Munguia, FESTAGRO Honduras; Aracelis de Salas, CNUS from Dominican Republic; Antolin Huascar Flores, CNA Peru. Moderator: Adney Araujo INSPIR/FS and Moderator: Carlos Ledesma INSPIR/CSA.
1pm – 2pm: Lunch
2pm – 3:45pm: Work groups – Exchange of experiences and definition of a common workplan. Coordination: Jana Silverman, Walmir Siqueira, and Telma Victor; Facilitator: Patricia Santos.
3:45pm – 4pm: Coffee break
4pm – 5pm: Plenary: Planning joint actions and making commitments
5pm – 5:30pm: Seminar evaluation, report presentation, and conclusion