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The voice of women workers at the UN (UNCSW62)

12 March, 2018 to 23 March, 2018
09.00 - 17.00
New York, USA
Event type: 
Union women from around the world are preparing to attend the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW62), taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 12-23 March 2018.

Union women from around the world are preparing to attend the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW62), taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 12-23 March 2018.

In the context of this year’s priority theme “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls”, PSI, the ITUC and the Global Unions Federations are focusing on:

  • Access to decent work and labour rights
  • Education is key to empowering rural girls and women
  • Gender responsive quality public services support the empowerment of rural women
  • Climate justice and rural women´s human rights

The Global Unions have jointly prepared and submitted a Statement to the UNCSW62: Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls

PSI has registered a 20-strong delegation representing affiliates in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. A Trade Union Delegates’ Briefing will take place on the 11th March. More details will be sent soon to the delegates.

Members of the delegation are invited to:

  • Organise meetings during February and the first week of March with their respective national bodies responsible for the issues of women and gender, ascertain the composition of the official delegation to UNCSW62 and present the position of the international trade union movement;
  • Inform the PSI Secretariat of the results of meetings with their governments. Based on these reports, we will request a meeting in New York with the accredited government missions of those countries represented in our delegation, to lobby on key issues at the national level, as well as to publicise and promote the trade union agenda.

PSI is organising and/or participating in the following parallel events:

  • PSI-GATJTax and gender justice – empowering rural women in mining-affected communities
    Date: 13-March / Time: 10:30 AM / Venue: Church Center for the United Nations / Room: Tenth Floor
  • ITUC-EI-PSILeaving No-One Behind: Unions Organising for Rural Women and Girls
    Date: 13-Mar / Time: 2:30 PM / Venue: 4 W 43rd Street / Room: Green Room
  • PSI-ActionAidGender responsive public services to empower rural women and girls affected by climate change
    Date: 16-Mar / Time: 10:30 AM / Venue: 4 W 43rd Street / Room: Social Hall

You will be able to follow the trade union delegation's activities on our BlogFacebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube.

For more information:

Also see