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PSI is represented in Europe by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, based in Brussels. For more on our activities in this region, please see the EPSU website

You can also view a list of European affiliates or contact European regional offices

Big Four accounting for influence

11 July 2018

We pay our taxes, so why don’t corporations? This new report shows how the four main accountant firms are embedded in EU policy-making on tax avoidance, and concludes that it is time to kick this industry out of EU anti-tax avoidance policy.

The right to water is a fundamental human right. No life without water.

10 July 2018

PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, took the floor at the UN High Level Political Forum during the first global review of SDG 6, water and sanitation, emphasising that, rather than promoting failed PPPs, the SDG process should look at public-public partnerships that are flourishing around the world.

SDG6: Water and sanitation are fundamental services, privatization is not a means of implementation!

10 July 2018

The ambition and breadth of the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda has been the object of both praise and ridicule. This report examines the challenges facing the implementation of SDG6, water and sanitation, and the bold strategies required to overcome them.

Sustainable development needs fundamental policy changes

09 July 2018

New York, 9 July 2018: “The world is off-track in terms of achieving sustainable development and fundamental policy changes are necessary to unleash the transformative potential of the SDGs.” Global civil society report assesses obstacles and contradictions in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Report: Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018

09 July 2018

PSI is a partner of the Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and together with other civil society organizations and networks has produced the annual Spotlight Report assessing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the structural obstacles in its realization.

Alternatives to PPPs – growing instances of de-privatization

09 July 2018

Extract from the Civil Society Report "Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2018" - the new global report assesses obstacles and contradictions in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Public sector trade unions continue their struggle following rigged election in Turkey

06 July 2018

The Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK) has published a press statement on the general elections which were held in Turkey on 24 June 2018. Despite rigged elections, KESK, together with other unions, will continue to struggle for labour, trade union and human rights.

Power, people, communities: Building bridges for migrant, labour, & human rights

23 September 2013

Flyer on the rally and march taking place on Wednesday 2 October 2013 across the Brooklyn bridge.

PSIRU Paper - Energy Liberalisation, privatisation and public ownership

20 September 2013

This paper reviews the trends in privatisation and liberalisation in the energy sector, and the development of remunicipalisation and renationalisation in Germany and elsewhere.

First BRICS Cycle of debates

04 September 2013

Statement from the trade union organizations of public sector workers affiliated to Public Services International (PSI), from Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa – BRICS.

PCS LGBT History Month - Gay History Chart (to 2007)

22 July 2013
Gay history

Lesbian & gay people have for centuries struggled to be accepted as equal and treated humanely, fairly and with dignity. They have been oppressed, persecuted and killed due to prejudice, intolerance and indifference.

Impact of the Spending Cuts on Public and Local Services, Charities and Organisations for LGBT People

22 July 2013
PCS logo

This research briefing beings to bring together various reports, research and case studies that are beginning to appear, on the severity of central and local governments‟ spending cuts on organisations and support services which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people use or may use.

EPSU Collective Barganing News July 2013

15 July 2013

Click here to read EPSU's July edition of Collective Bargaining News:  http://www.epsu.org/cob/513

Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity

09 July 2013
Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity

This report updates the FRA comparative legal analysis of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity first published in June 2008. It presents the situation as it stood at the end of 2009, though information gathered in 2010 has been incorporated to the greatest possible extent.

Enel Global Framework Agreement (2013)

25 June 2013

On 14 June 2013 in Rome, Italy, the global unions Public Services International and IndustriALL signed a Global Framework Agreement with the multinational enterprise Enel, which operates in more than 40 countries.

PSI policy on International Trade Agreements

31 May 2013

PSI’s Executive Board (EB–145) endorsed in May 2013 a proposal to increase PSI’s work on trade agreements. This work will focus on the most prominent threats to our affiliates, including ensuring that trade agreements are not used to open public services to private commercial activities but are used to contribute to the application of international labour standards to protect workers’ rights.

Gender pay gap in public services : an initial report

19 May 2013

Drawing on figures from both Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, and national statistics offices, it examines the position in 38 separate states. Starting with the gender pay gap in the economy as a whole the report, commissioned by EPSU from the Labour Research Department, looks at how it varies between countries; how it has moved over the last five years; and some of the factors that explain the variations.

Cuts in public sector pay and employment: the impact on women in the public sector

19 May 2013

Across Europe, governments have cut sector pay and jobs in the public sector in response to the financial crisis, which became evident in the autumn of 2008. Although the timing has varied – the Baltic states were among the first to reduce spending, while other countries like Spain and Portugal acted later – these cuts have damaged the living standards and future prospects of millions of public sector workers.

Highlighting the role of unions in reducing out-migration and winning workers’ rights

19 May 2013
Geneva tram - migration poster

The year 2012 was the culmination of the fourth phase of the PSI Migration and Women Health and Social Care Workers Project implemented in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa in 2010-2012. The project’s objective was to strengthen the capacity of public service trade unions in addressing the causes, impact and challenges of migration by integrating responses to these migration challenges in their daily trade union work.

Privatising Europe - Using the crisis to entrench neoliberalism

18 March 2013
Privatising Europe - Using the crisis to entrench neoliberalism

The Transnational Institute (TNI) has produced this working paper and infographic that provides an overview of what can best be described as a great ‘fire sale’ of public services and national assets across Europe that is providing profits for a few transnational companies but is often fiercely opposed by its citizens.

Strengthening Public Services Social Dialogue in an Era of Austerity

14 March 2013

King’s College London has carried out a research project on "Managing workforce change: Strengthening public services social dialogue in an era of austerity". The project includes data from the UK, Netherlands, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Denmark.

PSI Congress Resolutions

12 March 2013

Resolutions adopted at the 29th World Congress of Public Services International, held in Durban, South Africa, 27-30 November 2012. The resolutions are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Japanese and Russian.