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PSI is represented in Europe by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, based in Brussels. For more on our activities in this region, please see the EPSU website

You can also view a list of European affiliates or contact European regional offices

May Day: forget the elites, it's workers' stories which need to be told

30 April 2018

PSI launches video series featuring 16 stories from nine countries – Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Italy, USA, Chad, Lebanon, Guatemala and Brazil - to praise the work of public servants around the world.

28 April: fight for safe, healthy and decent workplaces

27 April 2018

7,850 workers die every day from accidents at the workplace or occupational diseases stemming largely from poor working conditions. 2.78 million workers continue to die each year from work-related injuries and illnesses. 2.4 million of these deaths can be attributed to work-related diseases alone.

Global Unions and ITUC protest in Geneva demanding freedom for Lula

27 April 2018
Photo: IndustriALL/CC

On 27 April, PSI together with fellow global unions [IndustriALL, UNI, IUF] and ITUC delivered a letter to the Brazilian mission to the UN, urging the immediate release of former Brazilian President Lula

Privatization Watch - 02/2018

26 April 2018

Latest issue of #PrivatizationWatch (02/2018) - The Global newsletter on privatization of public services around the world.

Addressing gender biases and inequities in the health and social care workforce is critical to achieving the SDGs

24 April 2018

PSI’s updated research “Tackling Violence in the Health Sector - A Trade Union Response” was highlighted in a webinar held on March 5 by the WHO’s Global Health Workforce Network (GWHN) thematic hub on Gender Equity in the Health and Social Workforce. The updated publication was one of four submissions in the webinar that showcased the wide range of research, policies and actions to achieve gender-transformative change in the health and social workforce.

PSI statement on UNCSW62

18 April 2018

Union women from around the world attended the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW62), which took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 12-23 March 2018.

Global Unions met with Belarus Mission in Geneva to stop persecution of independent trade unions

18 April 2018

PSI joined a solidarity action organized by IndustriAll, and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), who expressed their concern about a new wave of serious violations of fundamental labour rights in Belarus. The unions, representing more than 200 million members, call on the Belarus government to stop persecuting independent trade unions and fulfill their ILO obligations.