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Public Funding/Tax Justice

The gap between the rich and the rest of us is growing rapidly. In many countries, the richest 1% pay less tax than everyone else. Profitable multinational corporations use loopholes and tax havens to avoid paying their share. Around the world, inequality is growing. A taxation system based on fairness and ability to pay is the first step in reversing this attack on the middle class.

Tax Justice Forum: How to spread that wealth around

01 June 2016

At a time when inequality is rising and public services are being cut, the Panama Papers have shone a new light on corporate accountability. We are looking for new ways to fund development - tax policy has never been more relevant.

Unions and Civil Society highlight need for fairer tax and trade rules, less private-sector emphasis at UNCTAD hearing.

26 May 2016

PSI joined a coalition of NGOs and unions in pushing the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to adopt a stronger commitment to a fairer global tax and trade system at the UNCTAD quadrennial event in Nairobi later this year.

Financial officers file complaint against KPMG over Isle of Man controversy

20 May 2016

PSI affiliate, the Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO) representing more than 4,500 government financial officers has lodged two formal complaints of professional misconduct against accounting firm KPMG over its work in setting up offshore tax structures on the Isle of Man.

Austerity is unjustifiable while richest are allowed to dodge taxes: Panama papers highlights hypocrisy

05 April 2016

The curtain has been pulled back. The Panama Papers have exposed the inner workings of a broken tax system for all the world to see. It is no longer possible for our governments to justify austerity when they let the richest avoid paying their fair share of tax.Now the public will be letting governments know that this is just the first step on the road to a more transparent and fairer global tax system.

Final Declaration of the seminar on Public Debt and the Puerto Rican situation

31 March 2016

The participants of the International Seminar “Public Debt, a global problem: international experiences
and Puerto Rico’s situation” held on March 30, 2016 in San Juan, capital city of Puerto Rico, expressed
their strong support and solidarity with the Puerto Rican people in their struggle to overcome the fiscal,
economic and social crisis they are facing.

Water and Sanitation are Human Rights, NOW!

21 March 2016

On 22 March, PSI celebrated World Water Day. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 requires that governments ensure universal access to water and sanitation by 2030. However, we are seeing a new push for public-private partnerships (PPPs). We know that PPPs fail to deliver social and environmental targets, and PSI will help affiliates block this approach. We call for a rights-based approach, with public finance and management in the interests of all.

Mistreated: The tax treaties that are depriving the world’s poorest countries of vital revenue

25 February 2016

ActionAid has released a new report that reveals how tax treaties are reducing the tax that some of the world’s poorest countries can collect from multinational companies.