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In North, Central and South America and the Caribbean, 140 labor organizations in 35 countries are affiliated to PSI, with a total membership of about 3.3 million workers. The regional office is currently based in São Paulo, Brazil. Contact the regional offices.

World Bank must stop promoting “dangerous” public-private partnerships – New Global Campaign launched!

23 October 2017

A new campaign aimed at reversing the dangerous rush to promote expensive and high-risk public-private partnerships (PPPs) was launched yesterday by Public Services International and by 151 civil society organisations from all over the globe.

PSI contributions to the thematic consultations towards a global compact on migration in 2018

18 October 2017
First Thematic Consultation in May

The 2016 New York Declaration for Migrants and Refugees mandates the United Nations to forge a Global Compact on Migration and a Global Compact on Refugees, which will be adopted in a High-Level Conference in 2018.

Public administration workers of the Spanish foreign service go on strike on 16 October: 9-year wage freeze must end now!

16 October 2017

For the last nine years, public administration employees working abroad for the Spanish state have suffered an unjust and arbitrary wage freeze. Precarious working conditions and, in many countries, rampant inflation and strong fluctuations of local currencies have further compounded the issue.

Double standards: How the UK promotes rip-off health PPPs abroad

02 October 2017

The Jubilee Debt Campaign has released a new report: ‘Double standards: How the UK promotes rip-off health PPPs abroad’ (24 pages, with a 4 page executive summary). PSI and its affiliates has substantially contributed to the content of the report.

Women municipal workers in Brazil and the Southern Cone meet to bridge gender gap in the sector

26 September 2017

For the first time since the launch of the PSI Confederation of Municipal Workers’ Unions of the Americas (CONTRAM-PSI), more than 60 municipal sector trade unionists met in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 7 September, to discuss the labour and trade union situation of women workers in the sector.

Colombia: trade union leader faces arbitrary sanction

21 September 2017

PSI is calling on all affiliates to join the LabourStart campaign in support of Carlos E. Castañeda Ravelo who is facing a new arbitrary sanction for exercising the right to freedom of association.

Open letter to UN-HABITAT

18 September 2017

Civil society organisations, trade unions, public water operators together with International Steering committee members of GWOPA jointly send the open letter to the Executive Director of UN-HABITAT concerning the recent attempt to undermine GWOPA's core purpose, origin and history.

The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards, 2011–2012

25 November 2013

Over the past two years, state legislators across the country have launched an unprecedented series of initiatives aimed at lowering labor standards, weakening unions, and eroding workplace protections for both union and non-union workers. This policy agenda undercuts the ability of low- and middle-wage workers, both union and non-union, to earn a decent wage.

Communiqué: Public Services International Steering Committee SC-17

25 November 2013
PSI Steering Committee and staff, November 2013

Angered by the continuing attacks on public services and the workers who provide these services, distressed by the rising inequality across the world and the failure of the current economic system to provide jobs, particularly for young people, the Steering Committee reiterated its commitments to the 2013-2017 Programme of Action “Social Justice through Quality Public Services” and endorsed priority actions for 2014.

Work-related violence and its integration into existing surveys

20 November 2013

Statistical measurement of violence at the workplace has been neglected, states a new ILO report presented at the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, held in Geneva, 2-11 October 2013.

The U.S. - Colombia Labor Action Plan: Failing on the Ground

19 November 2013
The U.S. - Colombia Labor Action Plan: Failing on the Ground

In this report, two members of the Congressional Monitoring Group on Labor Rights in Colombia have assessed the implementation and real-world impact of the nearly three-year-old U.S.-Colombia Labor Action Plan (LAP). The report found widespread problems with the implementation of new labor rights for Colombian workers.

Posters: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

18 November 2013
PSI violence against women poster

PSI calls on all its affiliate members, men and women, to make a pledge to end violence against women and girls, at each of their workplaces around the globe. Use these posters available in eight languages

Reports: Solidarity mission to Guatemala

15 October 2013
Members of PSI delegation to Guatemala

A compilation of reports by members of the PSI international delegation of trade union leaders who met with Guatemala’s President and leading ministers on August 13-14, 2013.

PSI Report: Conclusions and recommendations - Guatemala

10 October 2013
PSI Delegation to Guatemala

This report presents the main conclusions of the PSI solidarity mission to Guatemala and proposes a way forward.