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PSI is represented in Europe by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, based in Brussels. For more on our activities in this region, please see the EPSU website

You can also view a list of European affiliates or contact European regional offices

Trade unionists killed and arrested in Turkey

21 January 2016

Sanitation worker Mehmet Kaplan, father of three children and member of PSI affiliate DİSK/Genel-İş Union in Cizre Municipality (Şırnak), was shot dead on 17 January in front of his house while another worker was seriously injured and a further three arrested in separate incidents.

One in five UK regional museums closed in 2015

15 January 2016
Fleetwood museum

A survey by the UK Museums Association (MA) of the cuts to funding in 2015 reveals that one in 10 expect to introduce charges to make up for loss of local authority funding.

Video: #ThisIsACoup

11 January 2016

A four-part documentary series telling the story of the European Union's confrontation with the Greek Syriza party in 2015 and how the European Union destroyed the first radical left government in modern history.

Video: PSI@COP21

21 December 2015

Public Services International attended the COP21 climate talks in Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015, to ensure that a strong union voice was heard at the talks. PSI held a series of expert panels on how climate change affects public service workers.
PSI also co-sponsored a TUED event which saw Jeremy Corbyn, Naomi Klein and others share their ideas with a packed hall.
Cut emissions, not public services!

18 December 2015: International migrants day

16 December 2015
Syrian refugees in Vienna

Public services welcome migrants and refugees, build resilience of communities

Climate agreement ratified in Paris

14 December 2015
Cut emissions, not public services!

Some call it an historic agreement, the first time all nations commit to actions to deal with the threats of climate change. The Kyoto Protocol only committed a specific group of nations to act.

Trade unions key to human rights and global stability

09 December 2015
Photo: Catching Light - Creative Commons

This year, International Human Rights Day falls in a time of serious threats to social cohesion, environmental sustainability and democracy. Only weeks after a series of dreadful acts of terrorism, and while the UN Conference on Climate is ongoing, PSI reaffirms its commitment to the defence of human rights, core elements of fair and prosperous societies.

International Anti-Corruption Day 9 December - Break the corruption chain

07 December 2015
Break the corruption chain logo

PSI joins the call made by the United Nations to break the corruption chain. Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. Corruption undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability.

A battle for human rights and a Just transition to a green economy

03 December 2015

After negotiations that took place on 2 December, PSI and other unions are uniting against attempts to water down the COP agreement to commit to Human Rights and a Just Transition to a green economy for those who currently work in carbon-intensive industries.

UNISON condemns cuts to pay for teaching assistants

01 December 2015
Classroom assistant with a young pupil

UK affiliate UNISON has condemned threatened cuts to pay for teaching assistants in the North East of England. Staff could lose up to £5,000 a year under proposals to introduce term-time only contracts from September 2016.

Protecting the Public Interest from Predatory Privatization and Outsourcing: A Call to Action

01 December 2015

Joint statement by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Public services International (PSI) for the meeting discussing the global push for privatization, linking unions' national campaigns to regional and global dynamics taking place in Washington, D.C. on 2-3 December.

25 November: International day for the elimination of violence against women

23 November 2015
There is no place for violence at work

On 25 November, the International Day for the elimination of violence against women, PSI stands against inequality and discrimination and all acts of violence.

PSI has produced two posters for the International Day. Download them here.

ILO Governing Body approves proposal for an international standard on gender-based violence at work

17 November 2015
STOP gender-based violence at work

The ILO Governing Body, at its meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 12 November 2015, agreed to discuss a new international standard on gender-based violence at work. It will be included in the agenda of the 2018 International Labour Conference.

Solidarity with Greek workers on strike 12 November

14 November 2015

Greek workers in the public and private sector organised a general strike on 12 November 2015 to protest against the reforms imposed on Greek workers by the European institutions in July this year.

G20 among biggest losers in large-scale tax abuse – but poor countries relatively hardest hit

09 November 2015
Calculator for tax

G20 countries are among the biggest losers when US multinationals avoid paying taxes where they do business. This is the main finding of a new report on the global tax system, ‘Still Broken,’ released by the Tax Justice Network, Oxfam, Global Alliance for Tax Justice and Public Services International.