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Route of Shame 2016: Walk for social justice!

3 June, 2016
13.15 - 14.30
Geneva, Switzerland
Event type: 
PSI and global trade unionists walked for social justice in Geneva. Around the world, populist politicians are raising the flag of racism and xenophobia to hide the fact that they represent the interests of the few, not the many. PSI calls for global solidarity with refugees and the respect of their human rights.

On 3 June 2016, Public Services International organized The #RouteofShame for the third time during the International Labour Conference.

PSI Head of Campaigns Sandra Vermuyten, General Secretary of Sindicato de Trabajadores de Guatemala (SITRAGUA) Jose Martinez, President of the Belarus Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP) Alexander Yaroshuk, Equality Secretary of SNAPAP in Algeria Yamina Maghraoui and President of PSI's World Women's Committee Juneia Batista spoke at the Place des Nations on trade union rights and the right to strike for all workers.

At the other end of the march, in front of the European delegation, the General Secretary of DISK Turkey Arzu A. Çerkezoğlu, PSI Health officer Baba Aye and PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli addressed human rights for migrants and the shameful deal between Turkey and the EU.


  • Departure: 13:15 - Place des Nations
  • Arrival: 14:30 - EU delegation to the UN - 64 rue du Grand Pré

We call for the protection of labour and trade union rights! We call for the right to strike for all workers! Hope has no borders!

Follow activities (#RouteofShame) on the Route of Shame Facebook page, PSI's Twitter account and our website.

Download our campaigns materials in English - Français - Español



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