November 21, 2013
PSI is calling on all its affiliate members, men and women, to make a pledge to end violence against women and girls, at each of their workplaces around the globe.
Violence against women is an age-old problem – it is time to end it now.
PSI and our affiliates can work together and with civil society organisations to break the silence and mobilise against discrimination and violence in our workplaces and societies. This can include measures in collective agreements, pressuring governments to enforce laws provide the necessary resources to assist victims, and train judicial authorities and the police to deal adequately with issues of violence against women and girls. We also support initiatives such as the White Ribbon Campaign that focuses on prevention of violence through the education of men and boys and their involvement in the fight for gender equality.
Please send reports of your events to
Around the world – unions are implementing campaigns and organizing events:
- In Singapore, PSI affiliates are holding an event on 23 November and invited the Speaker of the Parliament as the guest speaker.
- In Delhi, a Global Union Federations will hold a joint national event with all the GUF affiliated unions on 25 November to plan a campaign together with civil society highlighting the recent events in India.
- In Sao Paolo, on 25 November PSI affiliates are organizing a March of women against violence and organizing a sub-regional planning event for the continued 2014 Campaign against violence.
- In Algeria, SNAPAP is organising a public event on violence at the workplace on 25 November, training women unionists to actively educate victims of violence and help them regain confidence in themselves.
- In Cote d’Ivoire and Cameroon, PSI affiliates are working together with an NGO coalition for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign.
- In Brussels, EPSU is teaming up with the campaigners of ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE.
- In Geneva, PSI will join our Swiss affiliates and the Guatemala International Platform against Impunity for an event on violence against women on 4 December.
- In Dakar, Senegal, PSI affiliates and the PSI Women’s Committee Chair are participating in the ITUC World Women’s Organising Assembly, where a session will be dedicated to the creation of an ILO Convention to stop gender-based violence at the workplace.
- UNI Global Union is making men the focus of its campaign – Gender Violence is not only a women’s issue!
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