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The following statement with the list of signatories will be publicised in the third week of June, in connection with World Public Services Day (23 June), and be shared with government leaders at upcoming G8 and G20 meetings. There is increasing understanding that tax dodging by big corporations undermines public spending and equality in both developed and developing countries. Working together across borders, Global Alliance for Tax Justice partners support each other in a variety of tax justice campaigns, including to end tax havens, tax avoidance and corruption, and to bring in progressive tax systems that are enforced, including financial transactions taxes that curb speculation. Join with the world’s foremost labour, NGO, faith, environmental and other civil society organisations in the growing global campaign for tax justice. Please sign the pledge now to support this campaign, and send a strong message to world leaders about the united strength and commitment of our organisations in working together to achieve tax justice. Sign now at
People around the world, from the south to the north, are raising their voices in a united demand: it’s time for tax justice.
In signing this declaration, we call on world and community leaders, organisations and people to join together to take action – we demand that governments deliver tax justice now!
Please sign online at the Global Alliance for Tax Justice and ask your member organisations to sign now as well.
NOTE: You must click on the confirmation email that will then be sent to you, in order to confirm your registration shows up in the list of signatures.