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PSI is represented in Europe by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, based in Brussels. For more on our activities in this region, please see the EPSU website

You can also view a list of European affiliates or contact European regional offices

Corporations seek more payouts from public purse through highest ever number of ISDS complaints

14 June 2016

Governments are being sued through obscure Investor-State Dispute Settlement cases at a record-high rate for laws which foreign corporations say are having an ‘unfair’ impact on their profits.

PSI condemns attack against LGBTI community in Orlando

13 June 2016

PSI stands in solidarity with the families of LGBTI people killed and hurt in the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando this 12th of June – leaving 50 people dead and 53 injured in what is being considered the deadliest mass shooting in US history.

Speech by Rosa Pavanelli at the ILC 2016

06 June 2016
Rosa Pavanelli

Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI), addresses the participants at the 105th International Labour Conference in Geneva on Monday 6 June 2016.

The road to Quito: workers and decent employment must be at the heart of the New Global Agenda!

06 June 2016

The countdown for Habitat III - the UN conference that is expected to set out the new guidelines for urban policies - has begun. The ‘United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development ’ – as it is officially called - will take place in Quito, Ecuador, 17 – 20 October 2016.

Bad Investments: Trading Away the Right to Energy Democracy

04 June 2016

The recent release by Wikileaks of documents relating to the "Trade in Services Agreement" (TiSA) - currently being negotiated in secret in Geneva - has brought a new round of scrutiny not only to the TiSA, but also to the sweeping effort to re-write international trade and investment rules of which it constitutes just a part.

TiSA undermines COP21 action says analysis of leaked annex on Energy

30 May 2016

Greenpeace, trade unions and the global trade network Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) claim TiSA is the latest secretly negotiated trade deal that undermines climate change action.

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia (IDAHOT 2016)

17 May 2016

Homophobia or transphobia, in any form, is damaging and even life-threatening. We stand in solidarity with LGBTI workers and firmly denounce all forms of marginalization and stigmatization linked to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Privatization Watch survey

11 May 2016
PSI has launched a bi-weekly privatization newsletter – Privatization Watch – which collects news from around the world on privatization in water, health, energy, education, municipal and other government services, PPPs and related issues. Please fill in this very short survey to help us to improve our newsletter and tailor it to your needs.

48-hour general strike in Greece

06 May 2016

The protest, on the 6th and 7th of May, is against the government's intention to adopt in the Parliament the anti-insurance Bill, which ravages what remains standing of the Social Security in Greece.

Education support and cultural workers in Norway

03 May 2016
May-Britt Sundal

I am May-Britt Sundal, from Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees – Fagforbundet. I’m vice-president of Fagforbundet’s division for church, culture, children and youth. Within this division, the union has members working in early childhood education, schools, youth clubs, cultural institutions and cultural activities.

Pearson rejects union-backed shareholder resolution

02 May 2016

A union-backed resolution calling for Pearson, the world’s largest education company, to change its business strategy and to stop relying so much on high-stakes testing in the United States was rejected on 29 April at the company’s Annual General Meeting.

May Day 2016 - time to reflect on the challenges ahead of us

30 April 2016
May Day March in Melbourne in 2012/Photo: Johan Fantenberg/CC

What can we celebrate on May Day if everywhere, to a greater or lesser extent, we face the precarization of employment, outsourcing, privatization, cuts, the increase of the age of retirement and the rise of pension contributions? When all that governments want is to make layoffs easier or take away our right to freedom of association and to strike?

Work-related stress: what impact in the public services?

28 April 2016
Rosa Pavanelli

Today (28 April) is the "World Day for Safety and Health at Work". In the following interview with ACTRAV/ILO, the General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI), Rosa Pavanelli, explains how workers in the public services are affected by stress.

Stand with the Pearson 100 and let your voice be heard

25 April 2016
Tell Pearson - Private Schools in Developing countries

Public employee and education unions have mobilized a global capital campaign in support of shareholders resolution at the Pearson PLC Annual General Meeting.

Global Water Justice Movement Challenges World Bank's attempt to promote privatization of water through UN SDG Agenda

22 April 2016
Meera Karunananthan speaks at the UN

A letter was sent on 22 April to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by water justice organizations from around the world expressing deep concerns about a new “high-level” panel convened by the World Bank at the United Nations focusing on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on water and sanitation.