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No al comercio de los servicios públicos

La reciente ola de acuerdos comerciales son amenazas directas a la prestación de servicios públicos de calidad. Estos nuevos acuerdos fomentan la privatización, restringen la capacidad de los gobiernos para regular en el interés público y creen nuevos y poderosos derechos para las grandes corporaciones multinacionales. También son una amenaza para la democracia y la responsabilidad gubernamental. Esos acuerdos se están negociando en secreto, sin la consulta apropiada. Los futuros gobiernos serán obligados por tales acuerdos, a menudo sin tener en cuenta las decisiones de las elecciones nacionales, del parlamento y de los tribunales. La ISP insta a todas las afiliadas a entender las implicaciones de tales acuerdos y a unirse a nuestros aliados para oponerse a sus efectos nocivos.

Reaction to the agreed Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development by PSI

24 July 2015

On 16 July, the Financing for Development Conference (FFD3) has come to an end by adopting the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on FFD. PSI joins the trade union movement and civil society partners in their rejection of the outcome, which will be neither transformative nor deliver the future we want.

What is the point of development if social progress is not made?

16 July 2015

The Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD3) held in Addis Ababa is taking place at a challenging time.The world economy is still struggling to recover fully from the global financial and economic crisis that erupted in 2008.

New TISA leaks confirm PSI concerns on deregulation and secrecy

30 June 2015
Photo: Padlock by Dmitriy - Creative Commons

PSI, 1 July 2015 – Yet another series of leaks confirm PSI’s repeated concerns on the restriction of governments’ right to regulate in the public interest as well as underlining the lack of transparency surrounding the Trade In Service Agreement (TISA) negotiations.

Nurses and healthcare workers speak out against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

30 June 2015
Photo: Nurses - Creative Commons - Australian DFAT

PSI, Geneva, 30 June - Nurses, midwives and healthcare workers from the across the Pacific, Latin America and North America condemn the controversial TPP trade deal.

Massive leak of TISA trade documents “highlights madness of secrecy”

02 June 2015
Photo: Alberto Ortiz - Creative Commons

The largest ever leak of negotiating documents from the controversial Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) highlights the madness of secrecy and provides no comfort for users of public services.

Public services unions of the Americas are on the offensive against new international trade agreements

23 April 2015

Public services unions across the Americas are determined to oppose the new wave of trade agreements driven by corporate interests and negotiated in secret. On 23 April, in Mexico City, the first regional demonstration to oppose TPP, TTIP, CETA and TISA.

EU Parliaments must remain vigilant on international agreements

21 April 2015

Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI) addressed the Conference of Speakers of European Union's Parliaments, on 21 April in Rome, in a session about the role of Parliaments in trade agreements currently under discussion.

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