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No al comercio de los servicios públicos

La reciente ola de acuerdos comerciales son amenazas directas a la prestación de servicios públicos de calidad. Estos nuevos acuerdos fomentan la privatización, restringen la capacidad de los gobiernos para regular en el interés público y creen nuevos y poderosos derechos para las grandes corporaciones multinacionales. También son una amenaza para la democracia y la responsabilidad gubernamental. Esos acuerdos se están negociando en secreto, sin la consulta apropiada. Los futuros gobiernos serán obligados por tales acuerdos, a menudo sin tener en cuenta las decisiones de las elecciones nacionales, del parlamento y de los tribunales. La ISP insta a todas las afiliadas a entender las implicaciones de tales acuerdos y a unirse a nuestros aliados para oponerse a sus efectos nocivos.

RCEP - trade unions seek consultation by the government

02 May 2019

They call for negotiation texts of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) to be made public and to form the basis of consultations, including through town hall meetings.

Trade agreements put our right to water at risk

20 March 2019
Access to tap water in unequal between the poor and the rich in Jakarta.

Trade agreements like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are designed to make it easier for foreign multinational corporations to invest and do business. In doing so, they put the rights of citizens and workers second to profits. Read an Op-Ed by Abdul Somad, president of PSI affiliate Jakarta Water Workers’ Union (SP PDAM Jakarta).

Union voices at Asia RCEP trade talks highlight undermining of workers’ rights

19 March 2019
 RCEP CSO National Meeting: At a national meeting of CSOs in conjunction with the 25th round of negotiations for RCEP, Indonesian trade unions raised their concerns about the challenges that RCEP poses to the right to water, workers' rights, and democratic decision-making.

The 25th round of negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnerships (RCEP) concluded on February 28th in Bali, Indonesia. At a half-day consultation organized by trade negotiators, trade union representatives raised the challenges that RCEP poses to democratic decision-making, the right to water, and workers’ rights.

National Trade Unions Raise Concerns over India's Free Trade Agenda

05 November 2018

Representatives of Indian Trade Union Centers met in New Delhi on 23 October to discuss challenges posed to labour by the NDA government's trade agenda at the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs).

ISDS Reforms Shove Human Rights Under Corporate Red Carpet

11 September 2018

Trade union, women’s and environmental organisations from across the Asian region came to Incheon, South Korea this week for a regional meeting of the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

Gender and trade coalition

01 September 2018

PSI endorsed the unity statement and joined the gender and trade coalition, a feminist alliance for trade justice initiated by feminist and progressive activists. The coalition puts forward feminist trade analysis and advocates for equitable trade policy.

VIDEO: Watch the presentations of the International Seminar on Corporate Power

28 August 2018

The event held by PSI, with the support from FES, on August 1 and 2 in Panama City, sought to analyze how transnationals capture democracy, manipulate public opinion and seek to control personal data to be used in accordance with their own private interests.

Race to sign TPPA highlights growing public anger

01 February 2016

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) advocates are racing to have the deal signed in New Zealand on February 4th, before growing public opposition makes the agreement a political liability. PSI urges affiliates to join the world-wide protests against the signing and let politicians know that they do not want to have a hand in ratifying this dirty deal.

Open letter: Nurses, Midwives and Healthcare workers speak out against aspects of the TPP

24 June 2015
Photo: Nurses - Creative Commons - Australian DFAT

In an open letter to trade ministers, prime ministers and presidents of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries, nurses, midwives and healthcare workers speak out for the sake of their communities’ health against aspects of the TPP.

New global threat to public services

28 April 2014
No trade in public services image

On Monday 28th April, PSI affiliates, in collaboration with civil society organisations across the world, are mobilising for a day of action to protest the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA) negotiations. These are taking place regularly in secret in Geneva and the next round is on 28th April.
See PSI's Campaign release kit to download all documents.

Trans Pacific Partnership is bad news for workers – call to action

25 February 2014

Many unions and civil society groups fighting the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Fast Track process of this terrible free trade deal have been frustrated by the lack of mainstream media coverage, especially in America. The media's conspiracy of silence makes it hard to mobilize our members against the TPP and Fast Track because they aren't hearing anything about it.

PSI denounces Trade in Services agreement

16 September 2013
white envelope with Top Secret stamp in black

Governments meeting this week (16 September 2013) in Geneva, Switzerland are negotiating in secret a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). The 48 countries participating in the TISA negotiation seem intent on imposing the corporate agenda of using trade agreements to bind countries to extreme liberalisation and deregulation in order to ensure greater corporate profits at the expense of workers, farmers, service users and the environment. In few words: at the expense of people.

Why trade agreements are a new global threat to public services

08 August 2013
New deals, new danger

Recently, the way trade deals are negotiated has changed from WTO multilateral negotiations where hundreds of countries negotiated one agreement and information about negotiations was publically available, to hundreds of separate secret negotiations held behind closed doors.

The secret nature of trade talks held outside of the WTO creates a new challenge for PSI. We must focus our activity on the key threats and better engage and support our affiliates and civil society in the key stakeholder countries.

The Multilateral Investment Court: PSI Fact Sheet

28 February 2019

In recent years, public opposition to investor State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS has made this acronym political poison.

PSI General Secretary’s speech at PSI JC’s 30th anniversary

09 July 2018

PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, gave a speech at PSI Japan Council's (PSI-JC) 30th anniversary which took place in Tokyo on 22 June 2018. This was part of a three-day visit, invited by PSI-JC, the National Coordinating Committee of PSI affiliates in Japan.

PSI supports the release of ICRICT's second declaration

16 November 2016

"Four Ways to Tackle International Tax Competition" was launched on 15 November in Brussels by the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT).

Policy brief EB-148 : Trade

04 October 2016

This policy brief on Trade was produced for the PSI Executive Board EB-148 held at the ILO in Geneva (Switzerland) on 19-20 May 2016. Its objective is to inform EB-148 of activities in trade since EB-147, that took place in Geneva (Switzerland) in May 2015, and to inform EB-148 of proposed action in trade for 2016. The brief is available in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish and Japanese.

Investment Court System (ICS): The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

29 June 2016

PSI has joined a growing number of voices pointing out that the new wave of so called “trade agreements” no longer have much to do with trade. Rather, these secret agreements create binding laws, away from democratic parliamentary institutions, to give rights to foreign investors and the largest multinational corporations on the planet.

AöW Comments to the Draft Interim Technical Report on TSIA-TTIP

10 June 2016

In a letter to ECORYS Nederaland BV, the Alliance of Public Water Management (AöW), the representation of interests of public water management in Germany, submits its comments to the Draft Interim Technical Report on the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (TSIA) on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the USA.

The Free Fracking Agreement - Proposed TiSA Annex on Energy Related Services

02 December 2015

Public Services International (PSI) and International Forum on Globalisation released the first known analysis of the proposed Annex on Energy Related Services to inform the COP 21 climate summit.

Emergency resolution in response to the release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement text

19 November 2015

In response to the release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) text the 19th PSI Steering Committee meeting that met in Geneva, Switzerland on 17-18 November adopted the following resolution.

Negotiating Healthy Trade in Australia

03 March 2015

This report published by the Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation provides an overview of the dimensions of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) relevant to health, the process and findings of the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) - including characterising the potential health impacts based on the literature and stakeholder input - and recommendations to the Australian Government to avoid or mitigate potential harms from the TPP. The authors intend for the HIA to inform negotiations and health sector advocacy on the TPP.

Secret proposal for trade in health services in direct conflict with global agenda for health

03 February 2015

A recently leaked proposal tabled by Turkey in the TISA negotiations argues for a system that promotes insurance reimbursement (for those who have health insurance) for treatment at lower cost in another country.

Briefing on US TISA proposal on E-commerce, Technology Transfer, Cross-border Data Flows and Net Neutrality

17 December 2014

A proposal by the US Trade Representative (USTR) dated 25 April 2014 to the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) negotiations has been leaked. It focuses on e-commerce, technology transfer, cross-border data flows and net neutrality.

CETA: Trading away democracy

20 November 2014

The EU's Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada could unleash a wave of corporate lawsuits against Canada, the EU and its member states – including through the Canadian subsidiaries of US multinational corporations. This in-depth analysis of CETA’s investor rights by Corporate Europe Observatory and 14 other environmental NGOs, citizens’ groups and workers unions from both sides of the Atlantic outlines the threats.

Outcomes of PSI Steering Comittee SC-18

17 November 2014

PSI Steering Committee (SC-18) met in Geneva on 12-13 November 2014.

The agenda covered all items relating to the implementation of the Programme of Action with a special focus on the global campaigns PSI is leading on trade agreements and tax justice.

Presentations: Global Trade in Services Forum

18 October 2014

PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network, held on 17 October 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland, is the first ever global conference to provide a critical perspective on the TISA.

Corporate power international seminar

27 July 2018

The principal objective of this activity wasto cultivate a broad discussion of the mechanisms that strengthen corporate power while connecting directly to PSI´s global priorities including tax justice, the fight against privatization and free trade agreements.

RCEP and Free Trade in Asia Pacific: People's Responses (Bangkok)

19 July 2018
#NoRCEP Protest, Hyderabad, 24 July 2017

On 20-24 July in Bangkok, on the sidelines of the 23rd round of negotiation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), social movements, trade unions and civil society organisations will come together to organise a series of meetings on free trade and RCEP and its implications on employment, environment, access to essential services and medicines, and policy space.

PSI North America SUBRAC (Washington)

12 June 2018
PSI North American affiliates from the USA and Canada will be meeting in Washington 14-15 June. The meeting has a heavy agenda before it with a special focus on anti-privatization campaigns and trade issues.

Trade and Investment Liberalisation: Impact on Indian Workers (Bengaluru)

05 April 2018

This workshop, held in Bengaluru (India) from 17-18 April, aims at discussing the impact of trade policy as well as specific agreements on key sectors in manufacturing and services from the perspective of the workers engaged in these sectors. Through sharing of experience and knowledge we aim to understand the full impacts of trade and investment policies and identify strategies to tackle the challenges they pose. The workshop is organised by PSI, the Forum against Free Trade Agreements, Third World Network and the Transnational Institute.

Asia Pacific Regional Strategy Meeting on Trade Justice (Singapore)

03 April 2018

PSI and Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) will be holding an Asia Pacific Regional Strategy Meeting on Trade Justice, from 3-4 May 2018 in Singapore that will bring together key trade unions in the region with an interest in trade, Global Union Federations (GUFs), experts and civil society representatives. The meeting, supported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), will explore the option of creating a regional union network on trade and use participatory methods to create a shared regional strategy.

"RCEP, labour & public services" workshop (Philippines)

04 September 2017

Public Services International, Focus on the Global South, Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ), NAGKAISA Labor Coalition and Transnational Institute (TNI) organised a two-day regional workshop “RCEP, LABOUR & PUBLIC SERVICES” that aimed to demystify the RCEP and trade agreements from the viewpoint of public services and implications for workers. The workshop took place on 6-7 September in Manila, Philippines.

International Conference: Free trade and the right to (not) migrate (Brussels)

27 September 2016

The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is organising a Conference on Free Trade and the Right to (Not) Migrate on 29 September – 1 October in Brussels. PSI Migration Programme Coordinator, Genevieve Gencianos, is speaking in a panel on “Lessons for the future: 21st Trade Agenda, TTIP and Migration” on 30 September between 16h30 and 19h.

World Social Forum 2016 (Montreal, Canada)

13 July 2016

The World Social Forum is the largest global gathering of civil society to find solutions to the problems of our time by building concrete alternatives to the neoliberal economic model and to politics based on the exploitation of human beings and nature.


11 July 2016

The United Nations Committee on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) over many years has provided one of the less neo-liberal forums on trade and development in the UN system. PSI in the past has supported its work and will send a delegation to UNCTAD 14 which is taking place in Nairobi on 17-22 July this year.

Global Day of Action on Trade and Investment Treaties

14 April 2015
Photo: Creative Commons - MehrDemokratie - Charlie Rutz

A coalition of civil society groups and unions around the world has organised a global day of action on 18 April to demonstrate against the negotiation of harmful trade agreements. PSI endorses this day of action and encourages affiliates to participate.

Challenging liberalisation of public services in TTIP and beyond

12 January 2015

EPSU, ETUCE, AK and ÖGB are organising a joint training seminar on trade policy. The focus of the training will be on TTIP, CETA and TiSA with the objective of understanding the problems TTIP, CETA and TiSA pose for public services, in particular in education and health / social services.

PSI Global Trade in Services forum

17 October 2014

PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network, is the first ever global conference to provide a critical perspective on the TISA.

It will bring together leading global experts, trade unions from the public and private sector, civil society and government representatives from around the world to share information about the TISA. They will discuss the threats posed to public services, democracy and workers, and plan action to oppose its harmful elements.

PSI Global Trade Summit

16 September 2014

Public Services International (PSI), affiliate leaders and partners will convene in Washington, D.C., in September 2014 to discuss the new threats posed to workers, public services, democracy and our communities by trade and investment agreements.

World Public Services Day 2014

22 June 2014

On the occasion of World Public Services Day, Public Services International and its affiliates are working together across borders to end tax havens, tax avoidance and corruption, and to bring in progressive tax systems that are properly resourced and enforced. Tax justice enables public spending for the common good, and provides the means for economic self-sufficiency for municipal, regional and national governments.

Video: PSI General Secretary at Conference of Speakers of European Union's Parliaments

22 April 2015

In this video Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary of Public Services International (PSI), addresses the Conference of Speakers of European Union's Parliaments on 21 April in Rome, Italy.

Photos: Global Trade in Services Forum

23 October 2014

PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network, held on 17 October 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland, is the first ever global conference to provide a critical perspective on the TISA.

Video: Celeste Drake Trade & Globalization, AFL-CIO, USA

17 October 2014

"Agreement by agreement the policy space for governments is diminished then workers who live in democracies find out that their democracies can't be as responsive as they should be. [...] These kind of agreements cannot be made behind the workers backs, behind closed doors" says Celeste Drake, keynote speaker at PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network.

Video: Ellen Gould - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

17 October 2014

Ellen Gould, keynote speaker at PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network. Ellen Gould is the author of the Special Report "The Really Good Friends of Transnational Corporations Agreement" which focuses on how TISA could be used to accomplish the deregulatory agenda.

Video: Tony Salvador, Lawyer, IDEALS, Philippines

17 October 2014

"Migrant workers should be protected by the labour laws of host countries, with TISA they run the risk of being considered as independent service providers, no longer covered by labour laws" says Tony Salvador, keynote speaker PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network.

Video: Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Professor of law, former member of Parliament and Minister of Justice, Germany

17 October 2014

'It is important to consult not only European parliamentarians but also national parliamentarians" says Herta Däubler-Gmelin, keynote speaker at PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network.

Video: Jane Kelsey - Professor of law, University of Auckland, New Zealand

17 October 2014

"Governments should be held accountable to promote the interests of their people ahead of the interests of powerful commercial interests", says Jane Kelsey, keynote speaker at PSI’s Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA, held in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network.

Photos: PSI Global Trade Summit

23 September 2014

PSI, affiliate leaders and partners convened in Washington, D.C., 15-17 September 2014 to discuss the new threats posed to workers, public services, democracy and our communities by trade and investment agreements.

Audio: RadioLabour report on the Global Trade Summit

19 September 2014

Public services unions worldwide are determined to open to public scrutiny a new wave of global trade agreements, which are now being discussed behind closed doors. Listen to the RadioLabour report on PSI's Global Trade Summit.

Video: The history and geopolitics of trade in services

18 September 2014

Listen to Robert Stumberg, Professor of Law and Director Harrison Institute for Public Law/Georgetown Law, on how 30 years of liberalization and the new wave of trade agreements limit the role of government and deepen corporate power.

Video: Union leaders open new trade agreements to public debate

18 September 2014

Union leaders from around the world convened in Washington DC, 15-17 September 2014, to discuss the new threats posed to workers, public services, democracy and our communities by trade and investment agreements.

Video: From GATS to TISA: Corporate power, inequality and the new attacks on public services

17 September 2014

Listen to Deborah James', Director of International Programs Centre for Economic and Policy Research, analysis of the results of 30 years of liberalization and how the new wave of trade agreements limit the role of government and deepen corporate power.

Audio: Globe Trade Agreements for Corporations

04 September 2014

RadioLabour has prepared a special report on the global trade agreements: What they are and how they will affect working people.

Video: Trade agreements and the threat to quality public services

24 June 2014

Sanya Reid Smith - Third World Network, Guest speaker at PSI's Executive Board meeting in Nyon, Switzerland 24-25 June 2014.

Audio: A RadioLabour interview with Rosa Pavanelli on World Public Services Day

23 June 2014

Monday June 23: World Public Services Day. All around the world governments are attacking public services and the workers who help supply them. As well, a number of international trade agreements are jeopardizing the right of governments to provide public services instead of corporations.

Also see