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No al comercio de los servicios públicos

La reciente ola de acuerdos comerciales son amenazas directas a la prestación de servicios públicos de calidad. Estos nuevos acuerdos fomentan la privatización, restringen la capacidad de los gobiernos para regular en el interés público y creen nuevos y poderosos derechos para las grandes corporaciones multinacionales. También son una amenaza para la democracia y la responsabilidad gubernamental. Esos acuerdos se están negociando en secreto, sin la consulta apropiada. Los futuros gobiernos serán obligados por tales acuerdos, a menudo sin tener en cuenta las decisiones de las elecciones nacionales, del parlamento y de los tribunales. La ISP insta a todas las afiliadas a entender las implicaciones de tales acuerdos y a unirse a nuestros aliados para oponerse a sus efectos nocivos.

Global Day of Action on Trade and Investment Treaties

14 April 2015
Photo: Creative Commons - MehrDemokratie - Charlie Rutz

A coalition of civil society groups and unions around the world has organised a global day of action on 18 April to demonstrate against the negotiation of harmful trade agreements. PSI endorses this day of action and encourages affiliates to participate.

Press release: Why Public-Private Partnerships don't work

16 March 2015

The report “Why Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) don’t work” by Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) assesses the PPPs experience in countries both rich and poor.

TTIP: Replacing geopolitics with geo-economics

12 March 2015

Stop counting carrier fleets, fighter jets and cruise missiles, Stephen Phillips wrote in the Financial Times. The US failure in Afghanistan and Iraq exposed the limits of military might to the rest of the world. Since then, geopolitics are being replaced by geo-economics and the troubled global power has discovered trade agreements as a new means to protect its hegemony in the international system.

Report finds Trans Pacific Partnership bad for your health

03 March 2015
Pills - Photo: Creative Commons - E-magineart

Prominent health academics show that the Trans Pacific Partnership poses a risk to health in areas such as the provision of affordable medicines, tobacco, alcohol policies and nutritional labelling, reveals a report released last night in Australia.

TISA: leaked document reveals secret talks to promote health “tourism” and privatisation

03 February 2015
Photo: Zdenko Zivkovic - Creative Commons

The Trade in Service Agreement (TiSA) is aiming to commodify health care services globally, with higher costs for governments and poorer performance for patients, to the benefit of large health corporations and insurance companies.

TISA: another leaked document reveals secret talks to promote health “tourism”, privatisation and to raise health costs

03 February 2015

PSI, 4 February 2015 – A new trade proposal is aiming to commodify health care services globally, with higher costs for governments and poorer performance for patients, to the benefit of large health corporations and insurance companies in a USD 6-trillion business.

TISA: new leaked document reveals US corporations’ threat to privacy and data protection

17 December 2014
Photo: Koeb

Consumers’ protections and privacy are at risk, along with national governments’ sovereignty, at the sole benefit of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) corporations.

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