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Reliable electricity improves lives and supports economic development. Just ask anyone who gathers wood to cook. Private corporations – motivated by profit – have frequently failed to expand electrical services to those who need it most. They also charge all the market will bear. Public enterprises – motivated by serving the public interest – are better placed to provide clean, affordable energy.

Power to the People: A Strategy Discussion on Advancing Social Ownership of Energy

11 September 2014

PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, with representatives of PSI affiliates will be taking part in a strategic discussion on advancing social ownership of energy organised by the Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) on 20 September 2014 in New York. The TUED delegation will join in the People's Climate March on 21 September 2014.

Video: The fightback against austerity

07 July 2014

Public Services International (PSI), the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), together with our affiliate unions, ADEDY, and allies in Greece brought together a team of expert union journalists and communicators. This solidarity exchange enabled PSI communicators from other countries to learn more about the issues facing Greek trade unionists and share this understanding with their union members and communities around the world.

FirstEnergy ends Penelec lockout but continues unfair concession demands

09 April 2014
striking workers

The Utility Workers Union of America, a PSI affiliate, welcomed FirstEnergy’s decision to end its lockout of 142 utility workers at its Penelec subsidiary in central Pennsylvania, but criticized management for unilaterally implementing unfair cutbacks in customer service standards, employee working conditions, and benefits.

PSI Africa energy sector union network meets

24 March 2014

Energy trade union representatives from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda met in Kigali, Rwanda, on 5-6 March for a workshop of the PSI Africa energy sector union network.

Almost 30 participants discussed the energy situation in their countries, and emphasized the obligation for all governments to provide electricity to all their citizens, especially in Africa.

Climate change could lead to global conflict

04 March 2014
Flooding and people in boats

In a recent article in UK daily The Guardian, climate expert Nicholas Stern says that the record rainfall and storm surges that have brought flooding across the UK are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change.

Misguided privatisation in Pakistan

03 March 2014

PSI affiliate the Pakistan WAPDA Hydro Electric Central Labour Union (WAPDA) is fighting the latest misguided privatisation push in Pakistan. The union is mobilising members from across the country and is reaching out to community groups, academics and elected officials to resist the pressure from the IMF, the World Bank, and possibly the USA to privatise not only the national electricity system but also a number of other public assets.

Assessing the performance of New York’s electricity utility Consolidated Edison after Hurricane Sandy

10 February 2014

The Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) assessed the performance of New York’s electricity utility Consolidated Edison after Hurricane Sandy. The findings are very disturbing. In part because of these efforts, New York State Public Service Commission recently launched an operations audit of staffing levels of major energy utilities.