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No al comercio de los servicios públicos

La reciente ola de acuerdos comerciales son amenazas directas a la prestación de servicios públicos de calidad. Estos nuevos acuerdos fomentan la privatización, restringen la capacidad de los gobiernos para regular en el interés público y creen nuevos y poderosos derechos para las grandes corporaciones multinacionales. También son una amenaza para la democracia y la responsabilidad gubernamental. Esos acuerdos se están negociando en secreto, sin la consulta apropiada. Los futuros gobiernos serán obligados por tales acuerdos, a menudo sin tener en cuenta las decisiones de las elecciones nacionales, del parlamento y de los tribunales. La ISP insta a todas las afiliadas a entender las implicaciones de tales acuerdos y a unirse a nuestros aliados para oponerse a sus efectos nocivos.

Fair deal or no deal in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)

02 December 2013

Staff and members of the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) attended a rally for a FAIR DEAL or NO DEAL in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) in Sydney, Australia on 29th November. The rally was called by the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) and was held in Sydney outside of the US Consulate.

Double whammy hits TPPA

19 November 2013

‘Two king hits in one day for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a bad omen for chief negotiators and hundreds of officials as they head into a crunch meeting in Salt Lake City next week’, according to Auckland University Professor Jane Kelsey, who monitors the negotiations.

Mobilizing for action – public service workers aim for social and economic justice in Asia Pacific

18 October 2013
group photo

More than 100 leaders of unions affiliated to the global union federation Public Services International concluded meetings in Bangkok, Thailand this week by committing to take joint action to build the power and influence of public service workers in the Asia Pacific region.

The unions identified strategies to address a number of important issues, including fighting harmful free trade agreements, stopping privatization and related corruption in public services, ending violence against women, and advancing positive solutions through tax justice, stronger trade union rights, and supporting young workers and migrant workers in public services.

Trade agreements and the impact on public services

17 October 2013
PSI Thai affiliates host the Quality Public Services Forum, 16-18 Oct in Bangkok

As part of the AP Quality Public Services Forum that took place in Bangkok from 16-18 October 2013, PSI affiliates from across the Asia Pacific region have committed to taking action to oppose various pending trade deals that threaten the common good.

Risks of the Trade in Services Agreement

14 October 2013
Group of speakers at at PSI workshop

Public Services International hosted a workshop at the annual forum of the World Trade Organization, on 2 October 2013, in Geneva Switzerland. The focus of the workshop was to explain to ambassadors and trade negotiators from around the world why the proposed Trade in Services Agreement, being negotiated in secret and outside of the WTO framework, will hurt quality public services, workers, our communities, and governments.

PSI Workshop at the WTO Forum

27 September 2013
Someone typing on a computer

PSI has been selected to run a workshop at the WTO Annual forum where we can explain to Ambassadors and trade negotiators from all over the globe why the TISA hurts quality public services.

Media release: PSI denounces Trade in Services agreement

16 September 2013
white envelope with Top Secret stamp in black

Governments meeting this week in Geneva, Switzerland are negotiating in secret a proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). The 48 countries participating in the TISA negotiation seem intent on imposing the corporate agenda of using trade agreements to bind countries to extreme liberalisation and deregulation in order to ensure greater corporate profits at the expense of workers, farmers, service users and the environment. In few words: at the expense of people.

Also see