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Quality public services are the foundation of democratic societies and successful economies. They ensure that everyone has equal access to vital services, including as health care, education, electricity, clean water and sanitation. When these services are privatised, maximizing corporate profits replaces the public interest as the driving force. Privatisation is a dangerous trend that must be reversed.

US Justice Department decision to close privatized prisons marks turning tide in privatization debate

19 August 2016

In an historic move, and on the back of years of work by public sector unions and civil society allies, the United States Department of Justice announced on 18 August their intention to close all private prisons under contract to the DOJ.

It’s About Time – Federal Government to End Use of For-Profit Prison Operators

19 August 2016

PSI affiliate AFSCME applauds the Justice Department’s decision to end the use of private, for-profit firms to run America’s federal prisons.

Federal Correctional Officers in the US Praise DOJ Decision to End Use of Private Prisons

19 August 2016

PSI affiliate American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) hails announcement as move towards safe, responsible incarceration policy.

People's Inquiry Into Privatisation Launches

18 August 2016

The impact on ordinary Australians of privatising essential public assets and services will be examined in a People’s Inquiry launched by Public Services International; hearings will start in Newcastle on 5 September and conclude in Canberra on 27 October.

Uganda to close commercial private schools over non-respect of basic education standards

17 August 2016

The Ugandan Minister of Education and Sports, Hon Janet Museveni, formally announced during a session of the parliament on 9 August 2016 that the Government will soon close the schools operated by the largest and most controversial chain of commercial private schools worldwide, Bridge International Academies (BIA), which runs 63 nursery and primary schools in Uganda.

In Lagos, groups demand halt to planned water privatisation

28 July 2016
Photo: Sani Baba

Civil society, community-based groups and unionists supported by Public Services International have petitioned the House of Assembly, asking it to step on the brakes on plans by the Lagos State government to embark on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model of water privatisation.

PrepCom3 on Habitat III

20 July 2016
PSI side event at PrepCom3

On 26 July, during the third session of the Preparatory Committee of the Habitat III Conference, PSI is organising with ICRICT and PSIRU a side event called “Financing and investing in urban public services: The key to inclusive cities”. PrepCom3 will be held in Surabaya, Indonesia, from 25-27 July at the Convention and Exhibition Hall Grand City Convex Surabaya.