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Quality public services are the foundation of democratic societies and successful economies. They ensure that everyone has equal access to vital services, including as health care, education, electricity, clean water and sanitation. When these services are privatised, maximizing corporate profits replaces the public interest as the driving force. Privatisation is a dangerous trend that must be reversed.

Unions and Civil Society highlight need for fairer tax and trade rules, less private-sector emphasis at UNCTAD hearing.

26 May 2016

PSI joined a coalition of NGOs and unions in pushing the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to adopt a stronger commitment to a fairer global tax and trade system at the UNCTAD quadrennial event in Nairobi later this year.

Privatization Watch survey

11 May 2016
PSI has launched a bi-weekly privatization newsletter – Privatization Watch – which collects news from around the world on privatization in water, health, energy, education, municipal and other government services, PPPs and related issues. Please fill in this very short survey to help us to improve our newsletter and tailor it to your needs.

Stand with the Pearson 100 and let your voice be heard

25 April 2016
Tell Pearson - Private Schools in Developing countries

Public employee and education unions have mobilized a global capital campaign in support of shareholders resolution at the Pearson PLC Annual General Meeting.

Global Water Justice Movement Challenges World Bank's attempt to promote privatization of water through UN SDG Agenda

22 April 2016
Meera Karunananthan speaks at the UN

A letter was sent on 22 April to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon by water justice organizations from around the world expressing deep concerns about a new “high-level” panel convened by the World Bank at the United Nations focusing on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on water and sanitation. 

US Congresswoman Urges World Bank Moratorium on Water Privatisation

20 April 2016
Gwen Moore

Gwen Moore wrote to president Jim Yong Kim to critique the World Bank Group and its private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation, over its policies and lending practices that favour water privatisation.

PSI affiliates in Brazil alert for the risks of regress after the possible overthrown of Dilma Rousseff

19 April 2016

Vice President Michel Temer has already pointed to business sectors that his government's agenda, if he ascends to the presidency, will be markedly neoliberal, with privatization, loss of labor rights and cuts in social programs.

Public ownership of the UK energy system – benefits, costs and processes

18 April 2016

A new report by Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) and the UK NGO We Own It, calls for a return to public ownership and management of key elements of the British energy system. The report builds on years of research that demonstrate the excess costs of privatization, the negative impact on energy workers and on UK households, and the distortions of UK energy policy.