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EPSU angered over Eurogroup President's satisfaction over destruction of Greece

20 December 2013
Greek workers demonstrating against government austerity measures

The President of the Eurogroup, Dutch Finance Minister Dijsselbloem, issued a press release in which he notes his "satisfaction" that Greece has reached a number of milestones as agreed with the Troika, 17 December 2013. These milestones include preparing the dismissal of 12.500 public service workers (euphemistically called a mobility scheme) as well as improving the financial situation of two large water companies so they can be privatised.

UK: Tax office call centre trial finds private sector performed worse

27 November 2013

Advocates of privatisation have been dealt a blow after a year-long trial in tax enquiry call centres found the private sector performed worse and was no cheaper, the Public and Commercial Services union says.

UK prison privatisation cancelled

25 November 2013

A UK government decision of 22 November stated that three prisons in Yorkshire, UK, would stay in the public sector. The move comes in the wake of the resignation of the private company Serco's UK boss as the company tries to repair its image, and the long-overdue increased scrutiny of major government contractors.

Presentation notes: Pakistan WAPDA

18 Oct 2013

This presentation was made by Abdul Nizamani during the PSI AP Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation notes: Resisting privatisation in Korea

18 Oct 2013

This presentation was made by Seok Kim during the PSI Asia Pacific Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation: Resist, reclaim, restructure

18 Oct 2013

This presentation was made by Josua Mata during the PSI Asia Pacific Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Effects of austerity on Greece

31 Oct 2013

A briefing paper in three parts prepared by PSI's research unit (PSIRU) on the effects of austerity on Greece. These background papers were commissioned by PSI for the PSI/EPSU CAN held in Greece, 4-8 November 2013.

Mobilizing for action – public service workers aim for social and economic justice in Asia Pacific

18 October 2013
group photo

More than 100 leaders of unions affiliated to the global union federation Public Services International concluded meetings in Bangkok, Thailand this week by committing to take joint action to build the power and influence of public service workers in the Asia Pacific region.

The unions identified strategies to address a number of important issues, including fighting harmful free trade agreements, stopping privatization and related corruption in public services, ending violence against women, and advancing positive solutions through tax justice, stronger trade union rights, and supporting young workers and migrant workers in public services.

Public services and decent work for all

07 October 2013
ITUC Poster for WDDW

On 7 October we celebrate the World Day for Decent Work. Public Services International (PSI) joins the international trade union movement in demanding decent work for all and an end to the continuous attacks on trade union rights around the world. We want jobs that provide decent salaries and social security with safe working conditions.

World Day for Decent Work 2013

7 October, 2013

On 7 October we celebrate the World Day for Decent Work. Public Services International (PSI) joins the international trade union movement in demanding decent work for all and an end to the continuous attacks on trade union rights around the world. We want jobs that provide decent salaries and social security with safe working conditions.