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South Korean workers fight for the right to retire in dignity

01 November 2014

Over 120,000 South Korean workers took to the streets of Seoul, on Saturday, in a mass rally against the government's plan to reform pension schemes.

Asia Pacific Forum on trade union rights: It is time for ACTION NOW!

30 October, 2014 to 31 October, 2014

The Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Trade Union rights will come up with an Action Plan for the region for 2015. PSI affiliate leaders will share experience on campaigns for freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike. Special attention will be devoted to the impact of privatisation and precarious forms of employment in the public sector, fire-fighters’ right to organise and campaigning for the ratification and implementation of international labour standards.

Water in Uruguay: new challenges

21 October 2014
Mesa redonda

Overall, a positive assessment, but “there are many challenges ahead”. This was the conclusion reached by the panel of speakers at a round-table discussion entitled “Ten years After Constitutional Reform in Defence of Water”, organised by the National Commission in Defence of Water and Life (CNDAV) on 9 October, at the offices of the union centre, PIT-CNT.

PSI stands with British workers' demands for a pay rise

18 October 2014

Under the slogan "Britain Needs a Pay Rise", tens of thousands of people took to the streets in the UK on Saturday 18th October calling for pay increases for public sector workers after years of wage freezes and salary caps. Rallies took place in London, Glasgow and Belfast, with nurses, civil servants and teachers marching alongside other public and private sector workers, families, pensioners and activists.

PSI participates in ILO meeting in Peru

13 October, 2014 to 16 October, 2014

PSI has just taken part, with a delegation of 48 members, in the 18th American Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO) held in the capital of Peru, Lima, from 13-16 October.

Uruguay celebrates ten years of constitutional reform in defence of water

9 October, 2014

On 9 October, the people of Uruguay celebrated the tenth anniversary of the victorious referendum in defence of water that forced a change to the constitution. Amendments to the constitution recognised water as a basic human right and made it impossible to privatise water resources and services.

PSI at the G20 and related events

12 November, 2014 to 16 November, 2014

The G20 leaders meeting is taking place on 15-16 November 2014 in Brisbane, Australia. Public
Services International (PSI) has been following G20 progress this year, especially in relation to the
work the OECD is doing on behalf of the G20 to ensure that multinational corporations pay their
fair share of tax, called the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project.

Putting water back into public hands

18 September 2014

A new major trend has emerged as more and more communities insist on returning water and wastewater services to public management through remunicipalisation. The Water Remunicipalisation Tracker website continues to expand with four new cases of remunicipalisation.

Answering the challenge of water supply in Jakarta

08 September 2014
Water symposium Jakarta

The national symposium entitled “Answering the challenge of water supply in Jakarta” was held on 4 September 2014 in Al Azhar University in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event was organised by the student executive body of the Law Faculty of Al Azhar University and was attended by 147 participants including students from six universities in Jakarta.

PSI delegation visits UCLG

08 September 2014
UCLG logo

PSI recently met with the senior staff of United Cities and Local Governments – UCLG – which is a global federation of cities and local governments. The aim of the meeting was to seek areas of common interest. This statement was jointly agreed.