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PSI co-sponsors film tour of inspiring documentary

03 October 2012

PSI, through the Quality Public Services—Action Now! global campaign, is co-sponsoring a Canadian tour of the award-winning documentary We Are Wisconsin.

Water companies and trends in Europe

24 Sep 2012

This publication is part of a series in which EPSU explores the activities of the private sector in key public services. The series offers an overview of multinational company developments and assist trade unions in considering which companies qualify for a European Works Council.

Actions and events against austerity all over Europe

21 September 2012

Major protests against austerity measures are taking place in many European countries.We give you the list of upcoming events:

Canada: "People's court" convicts politicians for crimes against ordinary citizens

20 September 2012
CN Tower Toronto

People's court set up by Canadian union accuses politicians of promoting anti-worker agendas and making sweeping cuts to vital public services.

Canada: Outlining the risks of public-private-partnerships

11 September 2012

The Canadian union CUPE has launched a new guide for municipalities, outlining the risks of public-private partnerships.

Norway: 160,000 in sympathy strike for 79 workers in private health care

05 September 2012

In Norway, the biggest sympathy strike ever was announced yesterday. 160.000 Fagforbundet members will go on strike to support the 79 workers in private nursing homes that are striking for equal pay and pension.

UK: Health money goes to tax havens

04 September 2012
hospital entrance

Several British hospitals have to lay off staff to help pay their private finance initiative fees – and the money goes straight to tax havens.

New Zealand: Public service battles job cuts

31 August 2012
Parliament building Wellington, New Zealand

More than 500 people have lost their jobs government administration In New Zealand. The public sector union is questioning how far the government is willing to rundown the public service.

Norway: Fighting for equal pay and pensions

31 August 2012

Workers in private nursing homes in Norway on strike.

Re-municipalising municipal services in Europe

31 May 2012

Privatisation, contracting out and outsourcing have been the dominant trends in public services. Now there is increasing evidence of trends in the opposite direction, according to a report from EPSU.