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Precarious work

First Latin America Waste Sector Workers' Meeting

02 August 2017

On 27-28 July 2017, PSI held the first Latin America waste sector workers' meeting in Bogota, Colombia.

Decent work requires decent public policies

12 Jul 2017

Extract from the Civil Society Report "Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017" -the new global report assesses how privatization and corporate capture have become obstacles to progress under the 2030 Agenda.

PSI North America: Principles for Nafta renegotiation

26 June 2017

PSI affiliates in the US and Canada comment on the NAFTA renegotiations submitted to the United States Trade Representative (USTR). "We need a new approach to trade that puts the interests of working people and the environment first. We need an economy that puts a high priority on jobs, living standards, sustainability, and labor rights." Click on the image below to read it in full.

ILO Experts Meeting on Unions’ Action to Promote Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities

15 May, 2017

PSI will be participating in this ILO conference on "Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities". The conference aims to disseminate research and raise awareness on inclusion of persons with disabilities and the relation between this and decent work. The conference will be looking to identify ways forward for both trade unions and the ILO itself.

Brazil: Thousands take to the streets in preparation for the general strike

10 April 2017

Two weeks after massive marches on 15 March in protest against measures introduced by President Temer’s government, on 31 March workers all over the country came together again. The protests were seen as a precursor to the all-out strike planned for 28 April.

PSI launches "No Recruitment Fees Campaign" during a 3-day conference in the Philippines

02 December 2016

Key project partners representing PSI affiliates from the Philippines, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa came together in Manila on November 28-30 to showcase project achievements, identify current and future challenges and discuss the next phase of PSI’s programme on migration and refugees.

Ukranian unions celebrate World Day for Decent Work

09 October 2016

On 7th October, Ukrainian trade unions, along with their counterparts from other countries, celebrated the World Day for Decent Work. The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) marked this day by picketing the buildings of the central authorities in Kiev.

How unpaid internships undermine human rights

27 September, 2016

This event "How unpaid internships undermine human rights", taking place in Geneva on 27 September, is co-organized by the Fair Internship Initiative (FII), Public Services International and the "We Pay Our Interns" coalition representatives. On the sidelines of the Human Rights Council, Unions, NGOs and youth activists come together to highlight the urgent need for international organisations and governments to tackle the issue of unpaid internships, both in the wider economy and within their own halls.

ILO Tripartite Technical meeting adopts the General Principles and Operational Guidelines on Recruitment

09 September 2016

The Tripartite Technical Meeting of Experts to Develop Guidance on Fair Recruitment held at the ILO in Geneva on 5-7 September adopted the General Principles and Operational Guidelines on Recruitment that will be submitted for approval by the ILO Governing Body in November.

International Summit in Johannesburg to celebrate the International Youth Day

11 August, 2016 to 13 August, 2016

“The Role of Young Workers in Fighting Precarious Employment and Its Impact in the Public Services”