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Precarious work

Bohee CHOI, KPTU, Korea

Video: Precarious work situation of education support workers in Korea

08 June 2015

Bohee CHOI, KPTU, Korea

Guy Ryder, ILO Director General

Video: ILO Director General speaks about the future of work for the public sector

02 June 2015

Guy Ryder, ILO Director General

International Workers' Day - 1 May 2015

28 April 2015
Police use water cannon againt protestors in Daegu, Korea

International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago, when police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight-hour workday.

Outcomes of PSI Steering Comittee SC-18

17 Nov 2014

PSI Steering Committee (SC-18) met in Geneva on 12-13 November 2014.

The agenda covered all items relating to the implementation of the Programme of Action with a special focus on the global campaigns PSI is leading on trade agreements and tax justice.

Italy's public service workers protest against frozen wages and job insecurity

08 November 2014

“Pubblico sei tu, sblocchiamo il futuro!” The public is you, unlock the future! Under this slogan Italian public service workers have marched for contract renewal and pay rise.

Asia Pacific Forum on trade union rights: It is time for ACTION NOW!

30 October, 2014 to 31 October, 2014

The Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Trade Union rights will come up with an Action Plan for the region for 2015. PSI affiliate leaders will share experience on campaigns for freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike. Special attention will be devoted to the impact of privatisation and precarious forms of employment in the public sector, fire-fighters’ right to organise and campaigning for the ratification and implementation of international labour standards.

Young workers describe “emergency situation” to all major European Parliament groups

16 October 2014
Youth European Parliament

Young trade union shop stewards working in some of the key sectors of Europe’s economy – including transport, public services, food production, retail, metal, and media and the arts – drew a full crowd in the European Parliament on Tuesday 14 October to describe the dire reality facing young workers and jobseekers today.

PSI participates in ILO meeting in Peru

13 October, 2014 to 16 October, 2014

PSI has just taken part, with a delegation of 48 members, in the 18th American Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO) held in the capital of Peru, Lima, from 13-16 October.

No Quality Public Services without Decent Work

07 October 2014
World Day for Decent Work

On 7 October we celebrate the World Day for Decent Work.

Public Services International (PSI) joins the international trade union movement in demanding decent work for all. We want jobs that provide decent salaries and social security with safe working conditions.

Greece: the fightback against austerity

Video: The fightback against austerity

07 July 2014

Greece: the fightback against austerity