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South Africa

PSI launches the Human Right to Health Campaign in Southern Africa

06 March 2017

PSI affiliates organised the sub-regional launch of the global campaign at Reef Hotels in Johannesburg on 3 March 2017. They all pledged their full support for the initiative, endorsing its framework for advocacy within southern African countries.

PSI Constitutional Meetings

27 February 2017

NEHAWU marched against the National Department of Social Development

14 February 2017

PSI affiliate in South Africa says the march (10 February) was a warning shot to the department. The union confirms that a full blown strike is imminent, should the employers not meet NEHAWU’s demands by Wednesday February 15.

Project culmination conference on migration (Johannesburg)

13 January, 2017

The Culmination Conference of the PSI Project on Decent Work and Social Protection for Migrant Workers in the Public Services is taking place at the Reef Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa on 13 January 2017.

PSI South Africa young workers hold its first national workshop in Johannesburg

19 April 2016
Young Workers pose for a group photo after the workshop

17 young workers coming from five PSI affiliates in South Africa were keen to deepen their understanding on the various aspects of the programme of action (POA), namely: education and organising; campaigns and awareness; research and information and international solidarity and exchange.

PSI South Africa Young Workers’ Meeting

04 February 2016
South Africa young workers' meeting

On 21 January 2016, the South Africa Young Workers’ Meeting was held at PSI’s Sub-Regional Office in Johannesburg. This meeting is part of the effort to enhance the sustained implementation of the project “Strengthening the Role of Young Workers in Public Sector Trade Unions in South Africa”, which started in the last quarter of 2015, and will run until December 2016.

Third South African Nurses' Conference

24 February, 2016 to 26 February, 2016

PSI affiliate the Democratic Nursing Organisation óf South Africa (DENOSA) is organising the 3rd South African Nurses' Conference on 24-26 February 2016.

South Africa: National Symposium on Migration

18 December 2015
Group of participants at the symposium

PSI South Africa affiliates commemorate December 18 Migrants Day with a National Symposium on the theme of “Decent Work and Social Protection for Migrant Workers in the Public Services.”

South African university reverses outsourcing of services

04 November 2015
University of Cape Town

The University of Cape Town (UCT) signed an historic agreement with PSI affiliate the National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union (Nehawu) on 28 October to insource six of its outsourced services.