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Work forecast for young people

26 September 2012
Weather forecast symbol

What is the work forecast for young people in your country? A new website gives you the answer, and also the possibility to take action.

Actions and events against austerity all over Europe

21 September 2012

Major protests against austerity measures are taking place in many European countries.We give you the list of upcoming events:

Youth unemployment getting worse

10 September 2012
Young persons

The spillover of the euro crisis spreads. Jobless rates among young people get worse globally, according to a report from ILO.

Italy: Youth unemployment rising dramatically

05 September 2012
Girl on bicycle

The financial crisis has severe effects on the younger generations. One out of three young Italians are unemployed, according to the Italian National Institute of Statistics.

Sweden: Crisis package rescued 8,500 municipal jobs

03 September 2012
Road workers

When the financial crisis hit, the Swedish government provided temporary grants to the municipal sector. Calculations now show that the money saved 8,500 jobs.

Internships: Head start or labour trap?

22 August 2012
Young man

Internships can provide valuable work experience to young people. But during economic downturns there is also a risk of abuse.

Italy : 500,000 immigrants hit by the financial crisis

04 July 2012

In Italy the financial crisis has delivered a double blow to migrant workers. There are at least 500,000 job losses, but the immigrants have not only lost their jobs. They have also lost their right to live in the country.

Impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures on women

4 Jul 2012

Women are losing jobs in both the private and public sectors, which has an immediate effect on household income but a much longer term effect on the role of women in the labour force.

Green economy could yield up to 60 million jobs

08 June 2012

The transformation to a greener economy could generate 15 to 60 million additional jobs over the next two decades. This could lift tens of millions of workers out of poverty, according to a new report released by the ILO.

Global Employment Trends 2012

24 January 2012

The world faces the “urgent challenge” of creating 600 million productive jobs over the next decade in order to generate sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion, according to the annual report on global employment by the International Labour Organization (ILO).