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PT: Gender equality

15 February 2016

Translate into PT: “Women hold up half the sky – get used to it.” That message, painted on a sign at a demonstration, tells only half the story. In many ways, women do more than their share: caring for the next generation and elderly parents, household duties, and contributing economically. Women are more than equal in the responsibilities they assume. This must be matched with political, economic and social equality.

PT: Trade union development

15 February 2016

Translate into PT: Free and democratic trade unions are built on solidarity – people working together for improvements in the workplace and the community. Through PSI, unions around the world work together to support each other. Established unions share their knowledge and experience with unions that have fewer resources. This assistance ranges from help with developing tools to serve members, to resource and education materials, to international support in upholding members’ rights.


15 February 2016

Fortalecer os sindicatos do setor público em escala mundial para que fomentem os direitos e interesses dxs trabajadorxs e promovan a ideia de que os serviços públicos de qualidade são essenciais para construir sociedades justas e inclusivas onde todas as pessoas gozem de igual acesso e iguais oportunidades.

PT: Trade union rights news

15 February 2016

Translate into PT: All work has dignity, and all workers deserve to be treated with respect by their employers. Trade unions play a decisive role in improving working conditions, safety and wages – yet some governments and employers systematically abuse the right of workers to join existing unions or form new ones. PSI works actively to support the right of workers to free collective bargaining, and to help stop abuses when they occur.


Video: Ruta de la Vergüenza - Argentina

18 June 2013
