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UCLG World summit of local and regional leaders

1 October, 2013 to 4 October, 2013
09.00 - 17.00
Rabat, Morocco
Event type: 

The  second UCLG World Summit of local and regional leaders will be held in Rabat, Morocco, 1-4 October 2013. This event coincides with the one hundredth anniversary of the international municipal movement, and is an opportunity for sharing and exchange between Africa and the rest of the world. The Congress in Rabat will allow participants to take part in the work that will be launched on the future of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Post-2015 and the definition of a new world urban agenda in the framework of Habitat III in 2016.

Public Services International will be present at the Summit, with ten sponsored participants from three continents. PSI will also have a stand at Rabat Expo, a parallel exposition of organisations and companies that work with local and regional government representatives.

For more information or to discuss the summit, please contact PSI municipal officer Rolv Hanssen, rolv.hanssen@world-psi.org.

If your union will be attending the summit we would like to see you there! Please contact caroline.taleb@world-psi.org.

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