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Pay Equity

1% of the world's population has as much money as the remaining 99%

20 January 2016
Photo: shutterstock

Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much as the poorest half of the world's population, according to an Oxfam report published ahead of the annual gathering of the world's financial and political elites in Davos.

Achieving pay equity in Peru’s public water industry

02 November 2015

Over the last two years, PSI has implemented a pilot project of gender neutral job evaluation and the construction of a map of health security risks in EPSEL, the public water enterprise of Lambayeque in the city of Chiclayo in the north of Peru.

The ongoing fight for pay equity in Canada

15 October 2015
PSAC photo: Equality - Respect me!

Canadian trade unions’ fight for Pay Equity is one of the most important landmarks in the advance of equality between men and women at work. It has been recognised by the international trade union movement as an example of legislation and best practice in job evaluation and work compensation.

Bachelet calls on PSI to fight for an ILO resolution on the elimination of violence against women at work

9 October, 2014 to 10 October, 2014

Before an audience of more than 140 women members of the PSI, the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, called on the organisation to continue fighting for approval of an ILO resolution on the elimination of violence against women at the workplace and in public employment.

PSI World Women’s Committee WOC-2014

23 June, 2014

Please note that the documents for these meetings are available to members of the World Women's Committee only. To view them you will need to login with the username and password provided by PSI.



PSI Inter-American Regional Women’s Committee and Regional Executive Committee (IAMREC)

26 March, 2014 to 28 March, 2014

Please note that the documents for this meeting are available to members of the IAMREC only. To view and download them you will need to login with the username and password provided by PSI.

Be a man!

07 March 2014

What's the quickest way to get a pay rise? Easy - become a man.

UK: Local government dispute declared

17 February 2014

PSI affiliate UNISON and the other local government unions have lodged a formal dispute with the Local Government Employers covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland over the failure to make a pay offer on 14 January 2014.

Inequality is not inevitable

13 February 2014
Wage-led growth

A new ILO book shows that the growing gap between rich and poor is only partially associated with technological change. The divide is mostly the result of economic and institutional policies that preceded the global economic and social crisis and were exacerbated by it.

Wage-led Growth: An equitable strategy for economic recovery

Wage-led Growth: An equitable strategy for economic recovery

28 Jan 2014

This original and extensive study published by the ILO examines the causes and consequences associated with the falling wage share and rising inequality in income distribution, relating to both aggregate demand and labour productivity. It presents new empirical and econometric evidence regarding the economic causes and potential impact of changing income distribution.