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Pay Equity

Iceland becomes first country to legalise equal pay

09 March 2018

On 1 January 2018, Iceland fully enacted the world's first equal pay law. Equal pay policies are now mandatory for companies with 25 or more employees and those that cannot show that they provide equal pay will be subject to fines. With this new legislation, Iceland's government has committed to eradicate the gender pay gap by 2022. This is part of the PSI's campaign for International Women’s Day.


On March 8, PSI stands with women around the world demanding an end to gender-based discrimination at work and calling for the transformation of the division of labour.

Gender-neutral job evaluation study in Chile

7 Mar 2018

The Government of Chile and PSI affiliate ANEF, with the technical support of the ILO, have carried out a gender-neutral job evaluation study in Chile that is being published in Spanish on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The key findings were presented during the 4th Global Forum: Business for Gender Equality - The Future of Work in the 2030 Agenda that was held on 27-28 February in Santiago de Chile.

EPSU Strategy regarding the EC’s Action Plan on the Gender Pay Gap

06 March 2018

The European Commission is adopting an Action Plan to tackle the gender pay gap in 2018-2019. In view of this, EPSU has proposed to put into place a series of actions that were adopted at the Women’s and Gender Equality Committee meeting that took place last November. Tackling the gender pay gap is one of EPSU’s priorities. This is part of PSI's online campaign for International Women's Day.

"Pay equity" project in Chad

05 March 2018

Since 2009, PSI and ST-Sweden have worked together to introduce equal pay for men and women workers in Chad through the project “Pay Equity”. Demba Karyom, from PSI Chadian affiliate FSPT, was interviewed in the context of this project. This is part of PSI's online campaign for International Women's Day.

Equal Pay and Closing the Gender Pay Gap

4 Mar 2018

This statement provides an overview of three key areas where PSI affiliate UNISON has been leading campaigns and collective bargaining to end gender pay discrimination and to win equal pay for its members. This is part of PSI's online campaign for International Women's Day.

Ontario Pay Equity Results for CUPE Service Workers in Ontario Hospitals: A Study of Uneven Benefits

1 Mar 2018

In view of International Women’s Day on 8 March, PSI is reviving a debate about pay equity presented in the study entitled: “Ontario Pay Equity Results for CUPE Service Workers in Ontario Hospitals: A Study of Uneven Benefits” written by Jane Stinson, a Canadian political economist.

Women municipal workers in Brazil and the Southern Cone meet to bridge gender gap in the sector

26 September 2017

For the first time since the launch of the PSI Confederation of Municipal Workers’ Unions of the Americas (CONTRAM-PSI), more than 60 municipal sector trade unionists met in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 7 September, to discuss the labour and trade union situation of women workers in the sector.

Historic pay equity deal for care workers in New Zealand

19 April 2017

Following two years of negotiations, the Government announced on 18 April the details of an historic pay deal that will lead to significant pay increases for workers in aged residential care, home support, and disability services. This will help to address the pay inequity in the predominantly female aged care sector in New Zealand.

Inter-American Women's Committee (Rio de Janeiro)

22 March, 2017

PSI Interamericas Regional Women's Committee (IAMWOC) was held on 22 March in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.