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14th Coordination Meeting on International Migration - 2nd meeting

PSI at the 14th Coordination Meeting on International Migration - 2nd meeting

03 March 2016

14th Coordination Meeting on International Migration - 2nd meeting

On the 75th Anniversary of the February Strike - Yes to Asylum, Yes to Public Services

25 February 2016
Jasper Goss/Photo: Leo Hyde

In 2016, we should honour the February Strike, not just because those who took action were later tortured and even executed. Rather, we must ask ourselves, as trade unions, as members of the labour movement: what are we doing? Are we ready to take the risks necessary to confront the austerity-fueled resurgence of racism and national chauvinism across Europe and other parts of the world?

"Public services welcome migrants" seminar to be held in March

12 February 2016

On 14-16 March, PSI, EPSU and ETUI will be holding a seminar in Brussels, Belgium, on “Public Services Welcoming Migrants: Strengthening the Role of Public Service Trade Unions in the Protection of Human Rights and Delivery of Public Services to Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees”.

PSI releases report on "The Syrian Refugee Crisis and its Effect on Public Services in Turkey"

08 February 2016
PSI's report release in Ankara
The study launched in Ankara on the 6th of February at the SES office - one out of the 11 PSI affiliates in the country - focuses on the access to health services by Syrian refugees.

Public services welcoming migrants

14 March, 2016 to 16 March, 2016

PSI, EPSU & ETUI are organising a seminar on “Public Services Welcoming Migrants: Strengthening the role of public service trade unions in the protection of human rights and delivery of public services to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees”

PSI and EPSU condemn passage of ‘’refugee-stripping regulations” in Europe

29 January 2016

Public Services International (PSI) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) condemn the recent passage of ever more stringent policies in European countries receiving refugees.

South Africa: National Symposium on Migration

18 December 2015
Group of participants at the symposium

PSI South Africa affiliates commemorate December 18 Migrants Day with a National Symposium on the theme of “Decent Work and Social Protection for Migrant Workers in the Public Services.”

18 December 2015: International migrants day

16 December 2015
Syrian refugees in Vienna

Public services welcome migrants and refugees, build resilience of communities

Migrants, Refugees and Climate Change: the Trade Union Response

7 December, 2015

At a time when racism is growing and negative narratives are growing against refugees and migrants fleeing poverty and oil wars, this 2-hours workshop at the Climate Generation Areas of Paris COP 21 organised by PSI affiliate the Public and Commercial Services Union (UK), combined a panel discussion and a debate with the audience.

Return and reintegration to the Philippines: An information guide for migrant Filipino health workers

11 May 2015

This booklet is a PSI Return and Reintegration Kit that was produced in 2015 in collaboration with the ILO Decent Work Across Borders Project.