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Pulling out of the Migration Compact is an irresponsible step in the wrong direction

12 December 2018

The Council of Global Unions strongly denounces the ill-conceived decision of a number of UN Member States not to sign the historic agreement on 10 December 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

PSI General Secretary’s speech on the eve of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration in Marrakesh

11 December 2018

“Building walls, building fences, is not a solution […] the issue is how we can receive these people with fairness, with justice, with equity,” says PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli in her opening speech on the eve of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in Marrakesh.

Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration (Marrakesh)

10 December, 2018 to 11 December, 2018

Led by PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli, PSI comes to Marrakesh with a 45-member strong trade union delegation of activists from the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Nigeria, USA and the Philippines.

70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

10 December 2018

Today, 10 December, we celebrate International Human Rights Day and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

PSI video: Public education for all

29 November 2018

#SolidarityWithRefugees  PSI is launching the second video, of a series of three, on building quality public services for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This second video focuses on quality public education for all.

PSI video: Public healthcare for all

22 November 2018

#SolidarityWithRefugees  PSI is launching the first video, of a series of three, on building quality public services for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. This first video focuses on quality public healthcare for all.

Public healthcare for all - PSI Syrian refugees project in Lebanon

Public healthcare for all

22 November 2018

Public healthcare for all - PSI Syrian refugees project in Lebanon

Healthcare in South Africa - #NoToXenophobia

22 November 2018

Speaking at a meeting of the National Educational Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) last week, the South African Health Minister, Mr Aaron Motsoaledi said the country’s health system is overburdened by foreigners. This is a dangerous playing up of the xenophobic card, to deflect attention from the major challenges facing public healthcare delivery: inadequate funding; poor governance, and sharp social inequality which reinforces health inequity.

European network of public service workers in migrant and refugee services is created

16 October 2018

On September 26th and 27th, the Italian Public Sector Union, FP CGIL, together with the Spanish union Fsc Ccoo and the European Public Services Union, held a meeting in Palermo to tackle the issue of migration.

Tunisian fisherman, arrested for saving migrants lives, freed in Italy

24 September 2018

PSI commends the judicial decision in Palermo, Italy, to free the six Tunisian Fishermen imprisoned since the beginning of September. The fishermen, described as ‘suspected smugglers’ by the EU Frontex agency, were detained after saving the lives of 14 migrants stranded on the mediterranean.