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The 29th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI), meeting in Durban, South Africa, on 27-30 November 2012
with deep concern the alarming increase in extreme violence against trade union and social movement leaders in recent years in Guatemala;
by the lack of progress made by the authorities of this country in solving the killings of trade unionists and peasant and community leaders perpetrated by persons unknown;
the denunciations made by the international trade unions, ITUC and the GUFs, against the Guatemalan government and judicial system;
the problems of impunity and the lack of respect for the rights to life, freedom of association and collective bargaining;
by the killing of more than 20 health sector trade unionists in the last three years, most of whom were members of the national health union, Sindicato Nacional de la Salud de Guatemala (SNTSG);
this 29th World Congress to demand that the Guatemalan government speeds up the judicial investigations into the whereabouts of the physical and intellectual authors of these killings and severely punishes the guilty parties, in accordance with the criminal justice system;
demands full guarantees for the freedom of association in Guatemala, recognition and promotion of the right to collective bargaining for public service workers, an end to anti-trade union violence and an end to impunity for crimes against trade unionists;
urges delegates to the 29th World Congress to send a copy of this resolution to the Guatemalan embassies in their countries.
See all Congress resolutions including the Program of Action and the Constitution.