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PSI Sub‐regional Women’s Advisory Committee (SUBWOC) for the Caribbean

7 March, 2014
09.00 - 17.00
Roseau, Dominica
Event type: 

Chair: Sis Jillian Bartlett (NUGW-TT)

The SUBWOC deliberates on a wide range of issues and, in general advises and makes recommendations on:

  1. ways to ensure the implementation of gender mainstreaming policies;
  2. ways to promote the full development of the potential of women in trade unions and in their workplaces;
  3. activities and campaigns that would compensate for the results of discrimination against women at all organisational levels within unions;
  4. ways that affiliates might work to achieve fair and equitable recognition of women’s contributions within unions and in paid employment;
  5. ways to support the work of the wider trade union movement in achieving gender equality and equity.

The meeting provides a focussed opportunity for women members to deliberate and make recommendations on the achievement of gender equality and equity. Equally important, members examine and articulate their perspectives on the wide range of issues to be discussed at the SUBRAC meeting.

2014 Young workers’ caucus

Young activists attending the sub-regional meetings are invited to caucus in preparation for the meetings. They decide when and where.

The main aim of these caucuses is to consolidate the positions of the young worker representatives on the items to be discussed during the meetings.

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