10 January 2017
PSI affiliate, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has produced training modules for its shop stewards. These modules can be used by trade union representatives around the world and adapted to include the realities of LGBTI rights in each country.
- Define homophobia and heterosexism
- Explore homophobia as a social construct, not just a “fear” or “phobia”
- Review the history of GLB struggles
- Explore the use of language to empower or disempower
- Identify gains made by unions for GLB members/communities
- Identify the legal protections for GLB individuals and members
- Establish the role of the steward in addressing GLB issues in the workplace/union
Download the module in English or French
- Define Trans, Gender Identity, Gender Expression,
- Build our understanding of the trans experience to foster compassion as a steward
- Understand the steward’s role when a member transitions from one gender to another
- Understand the employer’s responsibilities during worker transitions
- Review collective agreement language that protects trans members
- Understand the laws that protect trans workers
- Have the basic knowledge and tools to properly represent a transitioning member
Download the module in English or French