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Solidarity with Liberia

Although Liberia has ratified ILO Conventions 87 and 98 and the Liberian constitution guarantees the right to freedom of association, the right to organise is not recognised in the public sector and unions and associations are confronted with continuous anti-union behaviour from the government.

In 2014, the government fired health workers who were on the front lines of the fight against Ebola, simply because they were trying to ensure adequate protection and working conditions for public workers. Other unions have been denied registration, and union leaders and activists are regularly dismissed, displaced to faraway regions, denied their salaries, and intimidated.

PSI has been campaigning for the reinstatement of Joseph Tamba and George Poe Williams of NAHWAL and for the respect of trade union rights in Liberia. In 2016, NAHWAL – together with PSI, ITUC, UNISON, SEIU – filed a complaint with the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association.

Trade union rights in Liberia: PSI meets the Ambassador to the UN in Geneva

17 February 2017

On February 17, PSI Deputy General Secretary, David Boys, Health Officer, Baba Aye, and Trade Union Rights Officer, Camilo Rubiano, met with the Ambassador of Liberia to the UN organizations in Geneva, Mr. Paul Wolokollie Tate, to discuss the situation of Joseph S. Tamba and George Poe Williams, President and General Secretary of NAHWAL, respectively.

Liberia: Ebola kills, the State fires

12 January 2017

RadioArticolo1, the radio for CGIL, Italy, has interviewed George Poe Williams from Liberia, NAHWAL General Secretary. George was arbitrarily dismissed in 2014 for calling for better working conditions and protective equipment during the Ebola crisis.

Rosa Pavanelli addresses the ComHEEG meeting held in Geneva

14 December 2016

Rosa Pavanelli addresses the High-Level Ministerial Meeting on Health Employment and Economic Growth being held today and tomorrow [14-15 December] in Geneva #ComHEEG #PublicHealth4All

UNISON Petitions Liberian Government: Demands Reinstatement of Tamba and Poe Williams

18 November 2016

In a letter to the president of Liberia, submitted at the country's Embassy in London on November 18, Dave Prentis, UNISON's General Secretary expressed “grave concerns over the situation of workers in the health sector in Liberia”, drawing particular attention to the dismissals of Brothers Joseph S. Tamba and George Poe Williams.

Audio: RadioLabour interview with NAHWAL leaders

18 October 2016

In 2014, at the height of the Ebola crisis, the Liberian government fired 22 union leaders. It still has not reinstated two of the fired leaders: Joseph Tamba, the president of the National Health Workers' Association of Liberia and George Poe Williams, the General Secretary . A RadioLabour interview with Mr Williams.

Respect the right to organise - Reinstate Liberian trade union leaders NOW!

06 October 2016

The Liberian regime has no respect for basic Human Rights; or Workers Rights!

In Liberia, the government has arbitrarily fired health workers who were on the front lines of the fight against Ebola; simply because they were trying to ensure adequate protection and working conditions for public workers. Before you consider traveling to or investing in Liberia, think about whether you really want to support a regime which treats health heroes as disposable goods.

Learn more about how to stand up for the rights of Liberian workers by watching the video above and signing the petition below!

PSI Liberian affiliates continue to protest against attacks on trade union rights

19 August 2016
Liberia attack on workers' rights

PSI continues to support its Liberian affiliates in their protest against the Liberian Government’s attacks on workers and trade union rights. In a new statement, seven public sector unions are reiterating their demands.