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Public Funding/Tax Justice

The gap between the rich and the rest of us is growing rapidly. In many countries, the richest 1% pay less tax than everyone else. Profitable multinational corporations use loopholes and tax havens to avoid paying their share. Around the world, inequality is growing. A taxation system based on fairness and ability to pay is the first step in reversing this attack on the middle class.

Greece: Fires of unrest

22 October 2012
Young women at the demonstrations in Greece

A report from the Greek general strike, 18 October 2012

“The fires here in Greece are spreading all over Europe.” Leading into the 18 October general strike against the Greek government’s budget cuts, Ilias Iliopoulos, the general secretary of ADEDY, the public sector union confederation, is defiant.

UK: Hundreds of thousands call for A Future that Works

22 October 2012
Green shoes

In the streets of London, Glasgow and Belfast hundreds of thousands of people took part in the march for A Future that Works on October 20.

To create development we need innovative financing

16 October 2012

"It is time that we embrace the concept of a financial transactions tax". This is the message from world leaders and civil society who met recently to discuss innovative financing for development.

ITUC: Do not let troika dictate destructive austerity policies

15 October 2012
Sharan Burrow

The idea that you can create ‘growth through austerity’ is an illusion that has destroyed millions of people’s livelihoods. Do not to let troika dictate destructive austerity policies, says Sharan Burrow to IMF.

UK: Campaign against privatisation

15 October 2012
Nurse and elderly person

Shouldn't your health come before profits? British UNISON asks in their new campaign to stop privatisation of your public services.

Huge step forward towards a financial transaction tax

10 October 2012

When European finance ministers met in Brussel on October 9, eleven countries agreed to implement a financial transaction tax. Even more countries might join in.

Greece: Tensions rise as workers blocked from demonstrating

09 October 2012

On Angela Merkel’s visit to Greece, the unions tried to organise mass protests and a 3 hour work stoppage. Greek authorities banned the right to peaceful demonstrations against the austerity measures, and mobilised 7000 riot police.