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Corruption is one of the sicknesses of our society. PSI believes that one of the best alternatives to austerity and cuts to public spending is to seriously fight against corruption. We also link this new PSI campaign against corruption to the fight for global tax justice.

Anti-corruption day 9 December: Protection of whistleblowers is key to fighting corruption

09 December 2016

The UN estimates that US$ 1 trillion is paid in bribes per year, while more than twice that amount – US$ 2.6 trillion – is stolen annually through corruption. This in turn corresponds to more than 5 per cent of global GDP. Whistleblowing is a key tool to detect fraud and wrongdoing – whistleblower protection can facilitate workers’ effectiveness of stopping wrongdoing at an early stage through voicing their concern before scandals erupt and stakeholders incur huge damage. A new PSI report addresses this issue.

Whistleblowers need EU protection – lives, environment and money at stake

17 October 2016

On 17 October a platform calling for EU-wide whistleblower protection is launched by the first 44 signatories of a joint statement. It will be open for additional organisations and individuals to sign after the launch. The LuxLeaks trial and others have brought the lack of protection of whistleblowers at EU-level into sharp focus.

Guatemala: PSI mission to check progress on Roadmap

13 September 2016

A PSI mission headed by its General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, visited Guatemala from 28 August to 1 September to observe in situ the progress on the Roadmap agreed with the ILO.

EU Apple Tax Ruling shows austerity is a political decision, says Pavanelli

31 August 2016
Protesting Against Apple's Tax Policy - Dublin Street Art (William Murphy/Flickr)

The EU’s tax ruling on Apple announced on 30 August shows that finally the European Commission (EC) is acknowledging that austerity is a political, not economic, choice. That's the main message behind the striking decision, according to PSI General Secretary who congratulated the EC for showing the political will to chase large multinationals like Amazon and McDonald's (also currently under investigation).

PSI affiliates in Brazil alert for the risks of regress after the possible overthrown of Dilma Rousseff

19 April 2016

Vice President Michel Temer has already pointed to business sectors that his government's agenda, if he ascends to the presidency, will be markedly neoliberal, with privatization, loss of labor rights and cuts in social programs.

1% of the world's population has as much money as the remaining 99%

20 January 2016
Photo: shutterstock

Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much as the poorest half of the world's population, according to an Oxfam report published ahead of the annual gathering of the world's financial and political elites in Davos.

International Anti-Corruption Day 9 December - Break the corruption chain

07 December 2015
Break the corruption chain logo

PSI joins the call made by the United Nations to break the corruption chain. Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. Corruption undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability.

PSIRU report: Corruption and public services

23 November 2012

Corruption is much more than a moral issue. It undermines public services and democracy. When citizens have to pay bribes to get healthcare or fair policing, or contracts are awarded to those who pay bribes, it threatens society as a whole.

Public Control Workers and the Fight against Corruption

15 June 2012

Ending corruption requires public and political organising to demand that governments represent public interests, instead of rich individuals and powerful companies, and to hold them accountable.