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Ebola Response

Deaths to health workers accounted for six percent of all deaths confirmed as due to EVD, even to the end of the outbreaks. Over 500 health workers, including members of PSI affiliated unions, were killed in the line of duty. PSI is actively lobbying national governments, the ILO and WHO and working with health and allied care workers in our unions to rebuild health systems that can resist future outbreaks in the context of universal access to essential healthcare, which is the core of the post-2015 agenda for health.

Zero Discrimination Day: Make Some Noise – and ACT to Realise the Right to Health

01 March 2017

PSI and its affiliates in the health sector across the world joined in marking March 1, as global Zero Discrimination Day. The day has been set aside since 2014 to raise awareness on the need to roll back all forms of discrimination in access to health services, particularly for persons living with HIV.

In New York, PSI affiliate 1199SEIU delivers letter to the Ambassador of Liberia to the US

20 February 2017

On February 17, joining the worldwide protests for the reinstatement of health workers Joseph S. Tamba and George Poe Williams, President and General Secretary of NAHWAL, respectively, Maria Castaneda on behalf of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East delivered a letter to the Ambassador Jeremiah C. Suluneth.

Trade union rights in Liberia: PSI meets the Ambassador to the UN in Geneva

17 February 2017

On February 17, PSI Deputy General Secretary, David Boys, Health Officer, Baba Aye, and Trade Union Rights Officer, Camilo Rubiano, met with the Ambassador of Liberia to the UN organizations in Geneva, Mr. Paul Wolokollie Tate, to discuss the situation of Joseph S. Tamba and George Poe Williams, President and General Secretary of NAHWAL, respectively.

Rosa Pavanelli addresses the ComHEEG meeting held in Geneva

14 December 2016

Rosa Pavanelli addresses the High-Level Ministerial Meeting on Health Employment and Economic Growth being held today and tomorrow [14-15 December] in Geneva #ComHEEG #PublicHealth4All

UNISON Petitions Liberian Government: Demands Reinstatement of Tamba and Poe Williams

18 November 2016

In a letter to the president of Liberia, submitted at the country's Embassy in London on November 18, Dave Prentis, UNISON's General Secretary expressed “grave concerns over the situation of workers in the health sector in Liberia”, drawing particular attention to the dismissals of Brothers Joseph S. Tamba and George Poe Williams.

Audio: RadioLabour interview with NAHWAL leaders

18 October 2016

In 2014, at the height of the Ebola crisis, the Liberian government fired 22 union leaders. It still has not reinstated two of the fired leaders: Joseph Tamba, the president of the National Health Workers' Association of Liberia and George Poe Williams, the General Secretary . A RadioLabour interview with Mr Williams.

Respect the right to organise - Reinstate Liberian trade union leaders NOW!

06 October 2016

The Liberian regime has no respect for basic Human Rights; or Workers Rights!

In Liberia, the government has arbitrarily fired health workers who were on the front lines of the fight against Ebola; simply because they were trying to ensure adequate protection and working conditions for public workers. Before you consider traveling to or investing in Liberia, think about whether you really want to support a regime which treats health heroes as disposable goods.

Learn more about how to stand up for the rights of Liberian workers by watching the video above and signing the petition below!