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Global Unions strategy meeting on the care economy (Nyon, Switzerland)

22 October, 2018 to 23 October, 2018
09.00 - 17.00
Nyon (Switzerland)
Event type: 
The Global Unions strategy meeting on the “care economy” will take place on 22 & 23 October at Nyon, Switzerland. The meeting is being organised by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) in conjunction with global union federations.

The global union federations participating in this meeting are Public Services International (PSI), Education International (EI), UNI global union, International Union of Food, Farm and Hotel Workers (IUF) and the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF). The Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) will also participate in the meeting, as well as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The objectives of the meeting are to:

  • Exchange knowledge and experience amongst Global Unions and their affiliates on the challenges and opportunities for organising workers in the care sectors;
  • Share successful strategies for organising care workers;
  • Build dialogue between workers across the various subsectors of the care economy;
  • Build a joint advocacy platform for care as a common good, investment in quality jobs in the care sector and in quality, accessible care services for all, and;
  • Achieve a common understanding amongst the Global Unions for cooperation on work around the care economy.

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