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Speak out for Dignity and Decent Work for Migrants and Refugees (New York)

20 September, 2016

Organized by the Council of Global Unions (CGU), Global Coalition on Migration and Women in Migration Network, the speak out to be held in NYC on September 20 will present an alternative vision to facilitate access to quality public services and promote sustainable development in origin and destination countries.

Event: Peoples’ Global Action on Migration and Development

30 September, 2013 to 4 October, 2013

The 2013 People’s Global Action on Migration, Development & Human Rights (PGA) is an independent civil society and grassroots event held in conjunction with the 2013 UN High Level Dialogue on Migration & Development (HLD).

Preparatory panel event to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

2 October, 2013

The Global Unions, including PSI, will be holding a preparatory panel event to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development on 2nd October: “Migration and Development: A Decent Work Issue.”

March in solidarity with Spanish workers

19 July, 2012

In Brussels the demonstration organized by the main two Spanish trade unions and supported by EPSU will take place on Thursday 19th July at 19.00 at Place Luxembourg.

For more information contact Pablo Sanchez, 00 32 474 62 66 33 psanchez@epsu.org