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Meeting of the PSI Whistleblowers’ Task Force (Buenos Aires )

7 December, 2017

Following the successful PSI Symposium on the Protection of Whistleblowers, held in Geneva on 30 October 2017, PSI is organising a Whistleblowers’ Task Force that will take place in Buenos Aires (Argentina), on 7 December 2017.

Celebrating the World Day of People with Disabilities (Geneva)

4 December, 2017

PSI celebrates the World Day for People with Disabilities together with ACTRAV and all its members with disabilities! On 4 December, during this event, the ACTRAV publication on "Trade Union actions on decent work for people with disabilities" will be launched. This is a ground-breaking report that will launch a series of actions, with a strong participation of PSI. Sandra Vermuyten, PSI Head of Campaigns, will be speaking during this event.

International Workshop: Strengthening Public Policies for the 2030 Agenda

30 November, 2017 to 1 December, 2017

PSI is attending an international workshop in Beirut, organised by the Reflection group on the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

From Populorum Progressio to Laudato Si' (Vatican City)

23 November, 2017 to 24 November, 2017

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development will hold an International Meeting of Trade Union Organisations on the theme "Labor and the workers' movement at the center of a humane, integral, inclusive and sustainable development – why is the world of work still the key to development in the global world?" on 23-24 November at Synod Hall in Vatican City. PSI General Secretary will be a rapporteur at the Panel "The contributions of the encyclical Laudato si' from the perspective of the workers' movement" on 24 November at 10 am.

AIDM Conference (Brescia)

18 November, 2017

Associazione Italiana Donne Medico: “Donne in carriera. Potenzialità ed opportunità di un percorso impegnativo. Realtà nazionale ed internazionale a confronto”

PSI 30th World Congress

31 October, 2017 to 3 November, 2017

PSI’s 30th World Congress will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from Monday 30th October to Friday 3 November 2017, at the Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG).

Spotlight on Sustainable Development Report: Geneva Launch

23 October, 2017

Join UNRISD and FES for the Geneva launch of the Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017 report, produced by a global coalition of civil society organizations and trade unions.

The 8th ASEAN Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue (Philippines)

18 October, 2017 to 19 October, 2017

The ASEAN Services Employees Trade Union Council (ASETUC), composed of the Global Union Federations PSI, BWI and UNI, organised the 8th ASEAN Regional Tripartite Social Dialogue Conference, in cooperation with the Philippines’ Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE). Over 200 participants from the ten member-states of the ASEAN attended the two-day meeting that commenced on 18 October at Century Park Hotel in the Philippines capital Manila.