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Over 8,000 women in Glasgow to strike over gender-based pay discrimination in public services

18 October 2018
GMB members (left to right) Gillian Docherty, Eileen Dougall, Shona Thomson and Lee-Ann Dougall (Jane Barlow/PA)

Thousands of school staff, caterers, cleaners, nursery and care workers - members of PSI affiliates UNISON and GMB - will begin a 48-hour strike action on 23 October. The decision comes after a 12-year tribunal battle, and a repeated refusal by the city council to state its position after the highest court in Scotland ruled last year that the city’s pay system was discriminatory.

Global Unions Critique the World Bank’s flagship report at the Annual Meeting

17 October 2018

The World Bank’s World Development Report 2019:The Changing Nature of Work, has attracted significant criticism from trade unions and civil society since a draft was circulated earlier this year. PSI and BWI responded to the draft report and the work of the bank and its lending arm in a panel organised by PSI, BWI, UNI and ITUC, at the World Bank Civil Society Policy Forum.

European network of public service workers in migrant and refugee services is created

16 October 2018

On September 26th and 27th, the Italian Public Sector Union, FP CGIL, together with the Spanish union Fsc Ccoo and the European Public Services Union, held a meeting in Palermo to tackle the issue of migration.

Stop the corporate abuse of women’s rights

16 October 2018

PSI calls on affiliates to sign the #Feminists4BindingTreaty statement asking UN Member States to stop corporate abuse. We need a #BindingTreaty that holds TNCs accountable for human rights abuses and that centres women’s rights.

Fiji nurse questions privatisation at World Bank’s Annual Meeting in Bali

15 October 2018

20,000 Government and global financial leaders met in Bali, Indonesia, as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund held their Annual Meeting on 12-14 October 2018.

13 October - International Day for Disaster Prevention

12 October 2018

On UN International Day for Disaster Prevention, PSI calls on UN to focus on public emergency workers and warns of increasing climate chaos.

Türk silahlı kuvvetlerinin Cizre’deki sokağa çıkma yasağı sırasında zor koşullardaki sivillere yardım eden sağlık çalışanları hapis cezası ile karşı karşıya

09 October 2018

Türk silahlı kuvvetlerinin yoğunlukla Kürtlerin yaşadığı Cizre’deki sokağa çıkma yasağı sırasında ilçede yaşayan insanlara sağlık hizmeti sunmak isteyen 14 sağlık çalışanı Cuma günü başlayacak yargılama sonucunda yıllarca hapis cezasına çarptırılabilir

History RePPPeated - How public private partnerships are failing

8 Oct 2018

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly being promoted as the solution to the shortfall in financing needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Economic infrastructure, such as railways, roads, airports and ports, but also key services such as health, education, water and electricity are being delivered through PPPs in both the global north and south.

Decent Work’s 10th anniversary – JUST DO IT!

06 October 2018

On 7 October 2018 we “celebrate” the 10th anniversary of the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW): 10 years that unions across the world have been fighting to place decent work at the centre of government policies, to bring back economic growth that puts people first – people over profit.

Health workers defiant after facing charges for helping civilians during Turkish army curfew in Cizre

29 September 2018

PSI attended the court hearing as an international solidarity observer for fourteen health worker who face years in prison over their attempts to provide medical assistance to civilians during a curfew imposed by Turkish armed forces in the Kurdish-majority city of Cizre.