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United States

PSI solidarity with Reclaim Wisconsin

12 March 2012

PSI's Communicators’ Action Network/ QPS campaign and solidarity week in Wisconsin was absolutely amazing!  Over 15 communicators and union journalists from PSI, CUPE, CSQ, PSAC, SEIU National (DC), AFL-CIO National, plus Wisconsin affiliates and community groups worked together in an outstanding team effort. Also attending were unionleaders from NUPGE, PSAC, and New South Wales Nurses Association; and  many PSI affiliates sent letters of support and solidarity.


Rally to reclaim Wisconsin

12 March 2012


International delegation reclaiming workers' rights in Wisconsin

06 March 2012

An international delegation of Public Services International leaders and union journalists are visiting PSI affiliates in Wisconsin, USA from 5-11 March 2012 to mark the one year anniversary of the passage of legislation stripping public service workers’ rights.

Keep Nestlé out of universities, says civil society

06 March 2012

Following a decision by the University of Alberta to grant an honorary agree to Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, former executive direction and current chairman of Nestlé, a group of over seventy civil society organisations, including PSI, has sent a letter of protest to the University.

Reclaim Wisconsin!

29 February 2012
Wisconsin residents holding up Reclaim Wisconsin posters

The Reclaim Wisconsin Tour has been criss-crossing the state in order to give citizens a chance to speak out on the local impact of Gov. Walker’s disastrous agenda. At each and every stop rally-goers are signing the Pledge to Reclaim Wisconsin.

Invitation to PSI affiliates: Join PSI solidarity delegation to support the struggle in Wisconsin, USA

17 February 2012

This is an urgent call to join with our United States affiliates to protest the union-busting legislation of Governor Scott Walker of the state of Wisconsin and reclaim the state for working families.

National Labor Relations Board Issues Nationwide Complaint against American Water

11 January 2012

Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) fights for $4 million in back pay for workers.

SEIU message to PSI affiliates

25 November 2011

On 17 November 2011, tens of thousands of Americans took to streets and bridges across the U.S. in an unprecedented national day of peaceful protest to declare an economic emergency for the 99%.


08 November 2011

Quality public services are the foundation of democratic societies and successful economies. They ensure that everyone has equal access to vital services, including as health care, education, electricity, clean water and sanitation. When these services are privatised, maximizing corporate profits replaces the public interest as the driving force. Privatisation is a dangerous trend that must be reversed.

Young workers

04 November 2011

Young people must have the opportunity for decent jobs. Research consistently shows that young men and women are often marginalised. They must overcome more barriers than adults to secure decent employment. Worldwide, young people are three and a half times more likely to be unemployed. Steps must be taken to ensure that young people have access to education, training, and economic opportunities.