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PSI Educational Support Workers' Network Survey

1 Septembre, 2014
Public Services International affiliates represent hundreds of thousands of educational support workers throughout the world, many of who work without job security, fair compensation and benefits, or recognition that their services are vital to ensuring high quality public education for all citizens. These jobs are on the frontline of the privatization and casualization struggles within the education sector and many of these workers face challenges in pursuing their basic freedom to form a union and collectively bargain for their terms and conditions of service.

These alarming trends can only be reversed through concerted action, and PSI can support affiliates in that important work by creating a global network for educational support workers and their unions. As called upon by Resolution #33, which was resoundingly approved at the PSI World Congress in Durban, South Africa, this network can help affiliates to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing them and PSI. It will:

  1. Encourage solidarity with those affiliates struggling to assert and exercise their rights;
  2. Support those affiliates actively in organizing and mobilizing education support workers;
  3. Conduct strategic research on the global political and private sector interests responsible for the attacks on public sector jobs and unions; and
  4. Coordinate campaigns with international and national labour organizations prepared to defend the rights and interests of educational support workers around the world.

The PSI Educational Support Workers Affiliate Network Survey is one of the first steps in developing such network and coming to a better understanding of PSI affiliates who represent educational support workers around the world.

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