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Young workers

Public Services International had the strongest global union presence at the World Social Forum 26-30 March 2013 in Tunis, Tunisia. PSI hosted and co-sponsored numerous events on trade union rights, youth, water, women’s issues, tax justice, energy and climate change.

Photos: World Social Forum, Tunis 2013

15 April 2013

Public Services International had the strongest global union presence at the World Social Forum 26-30 March 2013 in Tunis, Tunisia. PSI hosted and co-sponsored numerous events on trade union rights, youth, water, women’s issues, tax justice, energy and climate change.

Asia Pacific Youth Network Meeting

3 April, 2013

A side meeting of the Asia Pacific Youth Network was held during the PSI Asia Pacific Regional Executive Committee in Singapore.

New Zealand PSA : Youth leadership training

29 March 2013
PSA youth leadership training

PSA Youth, the network for PSA members under 35, recently held a two-day leadership training course for young PSA members.

Working for the alternative: Implementing PSI's mandate in 2013 and beyond

29 May 2013

The 2012 PSI World Congress provided a framework for Public Services International's discussions and decisions. However, it is necessary to focus priorities. This document presents a detailed implementation plan for PSI's mandate in 2013 and beyond.

PSI Congress Resolutions

12 Mar 2013

Resolutions adopted at the 29th World Congress of Public Services International, held in Durban, South Africa, 27-30 November 2012. The resolutions are available in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Japanese and Russian.

Decent work for youth and nothing less! Southern Cone Youth Committees begin to mature

10 March 2013
PSI National Youth Committee of Chile, Santiago, 2012

The PSI /IMPACT-sponsored project “Young workers in southern cone: from a project to a union policy”, which took place from 2011-2013, helped to strengthen PSI Regional and National Youth Committees in numbers and representation.

Join Online Consultations for the UN World Youth Report 2013 !

21 February 2013

The United Nations is in the process of preparing its 2013 World Youth Report (WYR) on Youth Migration and Development. The Report will offer a multidimensional account and/or perspective of the life experiences of young migrants and young people affected by migration.

Young Workers: Why is migration an issue for you?

21 Feb 2013

Migration is an issue that affects us all. It cuts across many realities either at work or in the community. PSI works with trade unions worldwide to protect migrant workers. PSI also works to improve wages and working conditions – to reduce the economic pressure to migrate and to improve the quality of health and social services.

Unity of action drives social dialogue forwards in the Andes

16 February 2013
PSI affiliates in Lima, Peru mobilising on World Public Services Day, 23 June 2011

A Network of Andean Public Administration Unions was created thanks to a PSI /IMPACT-sponsored project which ran from 2008 to 2011 in the Andean region. The project led to a comparative study on national legislations and labour practices and helped to create successful joint trade union actions. In a region where human and trade union rights are constantly violated, encouraging progress was made to drive social dialogue forward and to create genuine dialogue for the transformation of public services.

From doubt to dedication: Young Czech and Slovakian trade unionists get active

14 February 2013
Participants at the young workers seminar in Blansko-Češkovice, April 2009, Czech Republic

Six two-day seminars for 30 young rank and file trade unionists were organised between 2009 and 2011 as part of the PSI /IMPACT –sponsored project “Motivating young workers membership”. Originally intended as a bilateral project between IMPACT and the Czech Health Service and Social Care trade union (OS ZSP), the success of the first few seminars led the project organisers to also reach out to Slovakian and other Czech affiliates.