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Resolution 34: PSI Sector Networks

30 November, 2012

The 29th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI),
meeting in Durban, South Africa, on 27-30 November 2012

 NOTING that

There are at this time many challenges facing public sector workers. The challenges are great and the issues often the same. The challenges in each sector are almost identical in direction and term.

Whilst there are limitations on what a network can do they do represent an opportunity to bring unions together, explore common issues, exchange ideas, plan some work, provide feedback, and build solidarity as well as common interests, they can also be the basis of an organising dimension.


The issues faced by affiliates are often the issues that unit them. We need to be able to share these challenges and outcomes.

We represent unions and members in the sectors (below) but we don't have an ability to share or exchange information from affiliate to affiliate, within each sector.


  • PSI affiliates to establish their own sector groups and as necessary develop a sector-based steering committee of interested sector affiliates, with all affiliates able to participate; the sector steering committees will be coordinated by affiliates supported by PSI Secretariat.
  • PSI as part of its work and planning seek to increase both the number of affiliated unions and affiliate numbers through work and activities that relate to the challenges affiliates face.
  • To assist affiliates in working together –
    - PSI will through direct consultation with affiliates develop a sector work plan and industry approach to the sectors of PSI including areas such as:
    • Health and social care services
    • Water & electricity – utilities
    • Local government
    • State and federal government services
    • Education, arts and the media

    (additional sectors can be added but not removed)

    - The work plans will be developed through input from PSI affiliates through electronic means, physical meetings of PSI affiliates as necessary (and at affiliates own expense where needed).

    - Work plans should cover the issues faced by affiliates, including workplace safety, industry trends & new horizons, how affiliates can react, share knowledge and expertise, as well as a union organising dimension.

    - The sector work plans will be underpinned by PSI core principles of quality public services, equity, trade union rights, and the PSI Programme of Action.

    Affiliates should be encouraged to use PSI work plans and activities in their own union work where it makes sense.

 Congress therefore RESOLVES 

  • to endorse and support the above action call.
  • PSI should in addition to the affiliates’ networks examine thoroughly which existing or future structures are most useful for sectoral work within PSI. This should involve solid and dependable structures that would work closely with the PSI Secretariat. Informal networks are a start but will not be enough in the longer term.


See all Congress resolutions including the Program of Action and the Constitution.


Also see