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Asia Pacific

PSI's Asia and Pacific region covers 122 unions in 22 countries and related territories with a membership of two million workers. The regional office is based in Singapore. Contact the regional offices.

ISDS Reforms Shove Human Rights Under Corporate Red Carpet

11 September 2018

Trade union, women’s and environmental organisations from across the Asian region came to Incheon, South Korea this week for a regional meeting of the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).

Indonesia: Unfair dismissal of trade union leader

07 September 2018

PSI demands the immediate reinstatement of Idris Idham, President of PSI’s Indonesian affiliate the Pharmaceutical and Health Workers Union (PHWU), who was unfairly dismissed in direct contravention of international law and Indonesia’s obligations. PSI has sent a letter to Hanif Dhakiri, the current Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.

Women's rights beyond the business case: ensuring corporate accountability

01 September 2018

Together with a wide range of organisations under the umbrella of the Feminists for a Binding Treaty coalition, PSI has participated in the production of this briefing that highlights the importance of a binding gender-just international accountability framework for Transnational Corporations (TNCs).

Gender and trade coalition

01 September 2018

PSI endorsed the unity statement and joined the gender and trade coalition, a feminist alliance for trade justice initiated by feminist and progressive activists. The coalition puts forward feminist trade analysis and advocates for equitable trade policy.

International Youth Day, 12 August 2018

14 August 2018

The United Nations designated the theme of International Youth Day 2018 as “Safe Spaces for Youth”. The UN explains that “without the existence of safe space, youth may feel intimidated to freely contribute to the community".

Unions raise concerns at Bangkok Round of RCEP

03 August 2018

Labour representatives from trade unions from India, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, Malaysia, and Cambodia joined other public interest groups during the 5-day long People's Response to RCEP and Free Trade in Asia Pacific, from 20-24 July, to raise deep concerned on the content and process of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations - which had its 23rd round of negotiations concluded on 27 July after 10 days of closed door talks in Bangkok.

UN Global Compact on Migration Concluded

02 August 2018

Friday 13 July 2018 was a historic day in the United Nations. After one year of preparatory thematic and regional consultations and multi-stakeholder dialogues, and six months of intense inter-governmental negotiations, UN Member States have concluded and agreed on the text of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Energy in India: Private investment not a panacea for all ills

07 January 2014

This article, published in India Together, outlines some of the key areas that need to be focused on, in order to make the country's energy sector genuinely healthy and inclusive. In particular, it identifies areas that need improvement and special attention beyond attracting private investment, namely energy access, environmental management and governance.

Asia Pacific News Bulletin 2013

30 December 2013

Asia Pacific news is published and electronically distributed five times a year by Public Services International Asia and Pacific Regional Organisation (PSI APRO).

Thai Migrant Workers' Network statement on International Migrants' Day

19 December 2013

The State Enterprise Workers' Relation Confederation of Thailand (SERC) and Migrant Workers Right Network (MWRN) recognise the significant contribution of international migrants in Thailand and have organised joint activities to campaign for protection of migrants' rights and to develop migrant quality of life to the same level as Thai workers.

PSI Statement: December 18 - International Migrants Day

12 December 2013

Public Services International joins the international community in commemorating the millions of migrant workers and their families all over the world and re-affirming our commitment to uphold their dignity and human rights.

Public Services for the Public Good: PSI statement on the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA)

02 December 2013

Universal quality public services and decent work are goals of economic development, to which international trade is but a means. Trade treaty rules should not force privatisation, nor interfere with the restoration or expansion of public services, where experiments with private provision fail or are rejected by democratically-elected governments. Trade treaties must not close policy space or inhibit innovation in public service provision.

Global Unions Statement of Priorities for the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference

28 November 2013

In the wake of the on-going economic crisis brought on in no small measure by the same de-regulatory forces that champion trade liberalisation, there is a real opportunity for the global community to re-think existing trade rules and arrangements. World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) accords have adversely impacted farmers and workers and they have reduced policy and regulatory space needed to actively promote decent jobs and quality public services.

PSI Statement on the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference

27 November 2013

The results of decades of corporate-led globalisation are clear for the majority of the world. Unemployment continues to afflict millions and is especially acute for the world’s youth. Inequality is growing and quality public services and labour rights are being undermined. Liberalisation of and financial speculation in commodities markets has produced ruinous price fluctuations for food and shortages that create untold harm and avoidable loss of life. The global economic crisis caused by the reckless and unregulated actions of the private financial markets has created untold suffering for workers and is now being used as the reason to implement punitive and misguided austerity programmes.

Communiqué: Public Services International Steering Committee SC-17

25 November 2013
PSI Steering Committee and staff, November 2013

Angered by the continuing attacks on public services and the workers who provide these services, distressed by the rising inequality across the world and the failure of the current economic system to provide jobs, particularly for young people, the Steering Committee reiterated its commitments to the 2013-2017 Programme of Action “Social Justice through Quality Public Services” and endorsed priority actions for 2014.

Work-related violence and its integration into existing surveys

20 November 2013

Statistical measurement of violence at the workplace has been neglected, states a new ILO report presented at the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, held in Geneva, 2-11 October 2013.

Posters: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

18 November 2013
PSI violence against women poster

PSI calls on all its affiliate members, men and women, to make a pledge to end violence against women and girls, at each of their workplaces around the globe. Use these posters available in eight languages

Presentation: PSI young workers

13 November 2013

This presentation was made by Sandra Vermuyten, PSI Equality and Rights officer, during the PSI AP Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation: Asia Pacific Youth Network

31 October 2013

This presentation was made by Nick Kelly during the PSI AP Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation notes: Pakistan WAPDA

31 October 2013

This presentation was made by Abdul Nizamani during the PSI AP Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation notes: Resisting privatisation in Korea

31 October 2013

This presentation was made by Seok Kim during the PSI Asia Pacific Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013

Presentation notes: Trade union rights in Japan

31 October 2013

This presentation was made by Tatsuya Nakmura during the PSI AP Quality Public Services Forum in Bangkok, Thailand - October 2013